Mitodicure GmbH applies for 3 patents for ME/CFS drugs

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by EndME, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Here is an AI summary of Klaus Wirth's talk at a conference a couple days ago. (Starts at 5:15, language is German.)

    • Introduction
      • Klaus Wirth presents a comprehensive disease concept for ME/CFS
      • Goal: Develop an effective drug strategy as a pharmacologist and drug researcher
      • Analysis based on corona infection causing severe and complex vascular and circulatory disorder
    • Circulatory Disorder and Sodium Absorption
      • Circulatory disorder leads to reduced blood flow and capillary chemical fusion
      • Muscle cells become loaded with sodium
      • Sodium-potassium ATPase transports sodium out and potassium in, requiring significant energy
      • Beta receptors may become desensitized due to high adrenaline/sympathetic nervous system activity
    • Sodium Levels and Muscle Function
      • MRI studies show increased sodium in calf muscles of patients
      • Higher sodium levels correlate with worse hand strength
      • Increased intracellular sodium leads to worse action potential and excitability
      • Hand strength correlates with prognosis and symptoms
    • Calcium Overload
      • High sodium levels cause sodium-calcium exchanger to reverse, importing calcium
      • Calcium overload may damage mitochondria (hypothesis)
      • Mitochondrial damage leads to less ATP production and increased oxidative stress
    • Vicious Cycle and Chronicity
      • Oxidative stress further inhibits sodium pump function
      • Circulatory disorder and sodium pump dysfunction create a self-perpetuating cycle
      • Repeated damage and regeneration occur with every exertion (PEM)
      • Cumulative mitochondrial damage reinforces the vicious cycle
    • Disease Progression
      • Acute infection leads to post-COVID syndrome with microvascular capillary disorder
      • Some patients (estimated 15%) develop ME/CFS
      • ME/CFS characterized as a dominant mitochondrial disorder with functional vascular damage
    • Skeletal Muscle Findings
      • Clinical signs: fatigue, exhaustion, muscle weakness, pain, and cramps
      • Limited muscle strength, early onset anaerobic metabolism, reduced oxygen uptake
      • Biopsies show muscle damage and regeneration, especially after exertion
      • Biochemical and electron microscopy evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction and damage
    • Proposed Treatment Approach
      • Stimulate sodium-potassium ATPase and mitochondrial sodium-calcium exchanger
      • Improve blood flow in muscles and brain
      • Reduce vascular permeability (anti-inflammatory effect)
      • Address hypervolemia and orthostatic stress
    • Additional Factors
      • Renal hyperexcretion contributes to hypervolemia
      • Renin paradox: lack of expected increase in renin levels
      • Excessive production of vasoactive substances in muscles may explain various symptoms
    • Drug Development
      • Active substance identified based on the proposed mechanism
      • Normal development takes about 7 years, but could potentially be shortened
      • Financing is a current challenge, causing delays in development
      • Routine work needed: safety toxicology, pharmacokinetics, etc.
    Hutan, RainbowCloud, MeSci and 7 others like this.

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