I submitted a letter to The Lancet in response to the GETSET publication back in July. @Tom Kindlon provided invaluable support. I heard today it has been rejected, so I see no reason to not show it here. See attached file. The submission limit was 250 words, and I used them all. The letter is not science based, but focuses on something I feel is important.
Excellent letter @Barry - but I would argue that it is "science based". Science is about getting to the truth of the matter. It should never be about word-play and misrepresentation of detail. Correcting a misinterpretation is as much about good science as picking apart statistical errors. Well said.
Yes, will post later this evening once I'm home. Something along the lines of having considered along with other letters under consideration ... The good news is this shows they have finally given the GETSET authors enough time to respond to correspondence (how long did they need?!), and will presumably be publishing some letters (maybe with authors's responses?) some time (soon?).
Looks like a standard letter sent to all writers of rejected letters. Bad luck Barry. Thanks for trying.
Hopefully the effort was not entirely wasted. It was made clear to me that before any letters are published, the authors get to look at them so their comments on the letters can also be published. So I think it fairly likely they will have seen my letter - I hope so. I've also been able to "publish" it here unedited .