Nasobiotex L. Sakei Probiotic Powder for sinus microbiome - anyone tried it?

Discussion in 'Nutrition, food sensitivity, microbiome treatments' started by Webdog, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just wondering if anyone's tried using any binders -- like bentonite clay or activated charcoal -- to try to stop the vicious cycle that may result from the constant post-nasal drip that happens during an infection? I'm not sure if either actually helps or binds to mucus/pus/infected matter, but it just seems like if the infection leaves the nose and travels into the gut, then just continues to spread.

    Or am I just cra-cra? :woot:
    merylg, nonstopflu and AliceLily like this.
  2. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    I've never thought about this before. My first thought is that wouldn't the stomach acid kill the sinus bacteria?
    AliceLily and dannybex like this.
  3. Perrier

    Perrier Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What is this company? Please let me know.
  4. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    Testek Instruments. They are in Delson, Quebec.
  5. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That could be true, provided one has sufficient acid production. But many of us unfortunately have hypochlorydia. :(
    nonstopflu likes this.
  6. AliceLily

    AliceLily Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I noticed something last year that settled my chronic bout of stuff in the nasopharynx area and this happened after I had to go to A&E with severe headache and vomiting. I had never been that sick so quickly with headache before.

    Anyway, I realized afterwards that my nasopharynx area had settled down. I had been going for the odd swim in the sea to see if that helped but it didn't which surprised me. I then realized it must have been the stomach acid that had when I was sick. Some of it must have reached the nasopharynx area. I can't remember. I know that when I have a drink of fluid I can feel the liquid reaching up a part of the nasopharynx so maybe the stomach acid had helped.

    The only thing is, if it was the stomach acid that helped (which I am pretty sure it did) It's a temporary fix, because I now have the same thing in my nasopharynx back again since shifting house in December. But I did have a six month break from a flare up.

    Not interested in making myself sick to test it though.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2018
    Little Bluestem likes this.
  7. oldtimer

    oldtimer Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Melbourne, Australia
    I read the links and for about three weeks I replaced the moderate and high salicylate foods I had been eating quite a lot of daily with alternatives: decaf instead of the real thing, no mint tea or tictacs, vodka instead of Bacardi (no hardship there:)), no vegemite :eek:, etc. etc. A few days ago I ate a meal of very high sal foods and also took 900mg of aspirin for good measure. No difference at all. It was worth a try to eliminate a crude level of intolerance at least, and it was easy. Thanks again for the info.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2018
    merylg and dannybex like this.
  8. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    I have not noticed any improvement what-so-ever using the Bactoferm. If anything, my Chronic Sinusitis is worse now than before I started using it. :(
    merylg, Hutan, nonstopflu and 2 others like this.
  9. Little Bluestem

    Little Bluestem Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Anyone who cannot turn a hand-powered can opener should have a battery opperated one. Else only buy pull-tab cans.
  10. JayfromTexas

    JayfromTexas New Member

    Yes, it absolutely worked for me.
    I noticed it seemed weaker at the 3 month mark, and didn't stop the sinus infection; but it was my first time to buy it and so I wasn't careful about exposing it to light and air. After antibiotics :( I felt I was getting sick again, and ordered a new batch, which immediately stopped the infection from developing. I was put on low dose antibiotics years ago for acne, so now I am antibiotic resistant, and I'm sure I've killed out all my good gut bacteria. I developed type 2 diabetes, and leaky gut. I've fought chronic sinusitis for many years, but last year, I would finish an antibiotic and within 2 weeks was sick again. So every month for 11 months I was on antibiotics. (I'm now trying to repair my leaky gut w probiotics).
    How I use it:
    I just quickly take out about 1/4 tsp of the powder and return to freezer. Then with clean hands, I dip my finger in the powder and put in my nose, seems to work quicker if I put it as high as possible, like within 8-12 hours. Then wash hands, do the other side.
    I use it again when I feel my sinuses getting dry which is how the infection always starts. So I was using it about every 2 weeks, and I went 3 months without a sinus infection.
    Just an interesting side note, I noticed my allergies seemed to disappear-

    It is shipped Mon-Wed with a frozen pack.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
  11. Nellie

    Nellie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Welcome to the Forum
  12. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    Just wanted to update and say my sinus improvements continue to be maintained with occasional (weekly or so) L. Sakei treatments.

    I would say 60% or more of my sinusitis is gone. A cure remains elusiive, but for now I continue breathe and sleep better at night.
    merylg, Arnie Pye, ukxmrv and 3 others like this.
  13. JayfromTexas

    JayfromTexas New Member

    Thank you Nellie
    Nellie likes this.
  14. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    I'm glad that it is working for some of you. I'm into month 6 of Chronic Sinusitis with no end in sight. :wtf:
  15. DJS

    DJS New Member

    First post here. I got my first sinus infection in December of 2015 when I came down with the flu. Two weeks of misery, then I started feeling better for a few days, and then I got a high fever and a cough that was so hard and frequent that my whole diaghram was so sore that it was hard to breath. Anyway, I’m pretty sure this was pneumonia, and I got better in mid January 2016, except I could not get rid of the “sick smell” that you get when you have a cold or flu, and my sense of smell was pretty much gone, except for an occasional whiff of coffee or cut grass or some other unique scent, maybe once every two months. I had no other typical sinus infection symptoms like pain, pressure, stuffy nose, or yellow mucus, just the stinky smell and slight burning, watery eyes.

    I thought it would eventually clear up by itself but come June, it was still there and was making me miserable. It smelled like an infected gym sock. Nasty. I went to the doctor who prescribed Augmentin. I took it for ten days and it did absolutely nothing except mess up my gut. I suffered with this stinky smell until December 2017, three long years, when I got a prescription for Keflex. The stink was gone within three days.

    Unfortunately I now have a “sweet smell” almost constantly, which is 100 times better than the stink, but I still can’t smell much. I was searching for sinus treatments and saw that Amazon carried Nasobiotex L Sakei probiotic and ordered it. Today is my 7th day of use, twice a day. I snort a small amount in each nostril with a Q-tip, and then at bedtime, I mix some in distilled water with saline and use my Navage Sinus Irrigator.

    After the first day of use the sweet smell diminished where I didn’t smell anything, and throughout the week the sweet smell came and went. Today, however, it’s back again.

    I’m going to continue to use it hoping that it helps my sinuses get the natural microbiome back. I’ll update more throughout this process and will look forward to reading others experiences with Nasobiotex.

    Sorry for the long post. Cheers
  16. nonstopflu

    nonstopflu Established Member

    any update? thanks for this tip... I'm going to buy some when a get a little money...
  17. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    I'd say 60%-80% of my sinusitis is gone and that remains fairly constant. I continue to use the L. Sakei probiotic, but only about once a week. Using it more frequently long term causes irritation.

    I can still feel some infection deep inside that I am unable to get rid of. But the sinusitis is now a manageable condition, and that has been a remarkable improvement in my quality of life and sleep.

    Edit: I usually just snort some powder off a spoon, generally after taking a shower so my nostrils are moist and warm for the L. Sakei. It's quick and easy, and makes me look like a celebrity coke addict. :thumbup:

    Edit: For longevity, it's important to keep the L. Sakei packet in the freezer always, avoid getting moisture in the packet, and keep your fingers out of the packet. Use something dry and relatively sterile, like a spoon or cotton swab to get the powder out.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  18. nonstopflu

    nonstopflu Established Member

    amazing results!

    Have you had problems w chronic sore throats? if so, does this help?
    Have you taken any internally? I wonder if it helps w gut issues, too.

    put up some patrick nagel posters :)

    good advice... thanks
    Webdog likes this.
  19. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    It has helped with the sore throats, yes.

    I haven't, but suspect the L. Sakei wouldn't survive the stomach acid.

    I also experimented with rinsing my mouth and even gargling L. Sakei solution, but can't say it had any effect.
    Little Bluestem and nonstopflu like this.
  20. nonstopflu

    nonstopflu Established Member

    I started using this last week. The first 4 days, I used it every day, then I took a 2 day break and started up again... Here's what I have to report, so far:

    • Opens sinuses very quickly
    • Pressure behind my eyes subsided, which makes it easier to read and think.
    • Sore throat I've had for months is gone.
    • The bronchial irritation I've had subsided; it comes back after a few hours
    • Made me feel more relaxed. (My hypothesis: the inflammation in my sinuses may have caused some kind of brain inflammation. once that's gone, I feel more relaxed, and can think more clearly.) Recommend using it before bed.

    CONS (all minor)
    • I've noticed that I strongly crave carbs, which I take as a sign that microbiome is changing.. I think we're built for homeostasis, so when your body's "set point" is dysfunctional, then your body is fighting to get back to that dysfunctional point.. e.g., if the l sakei is displacing some kind of fungus (or, whatever), then your body is craving some way to replace the fungus. Ultimately, I think it's a good sign, but it's really uncomfortable.
    • I've had some more fatigue, which is annoying...
    • I had to take a break after taking this every day for 4 days straight, due to the fatigue and carb cravings

    Application Method:
    • Clear my nose w sinus saline spray, blowing nose.
    • Use a qtip to moisten the inside of nose (dip qtip in water and swab inside of nostrils)
    • Put probiotic in a dish (16th of a teaspoon... or, approx half of the 1/8 teaspoon in a set of kitchen teaspoon measures)
    • dip a clean qtip in water, then roll it around in the little pile of probiotics in the dish, then use the coated swab to spread it around nostrils. repeat w a clean qtip on the other side..
    • lay on your back, and let it slide to the back of your nose (nasopharynx, or close to it). sometimes I dip a swab in water and then let it drip into each nostril so the water makes some of the probiotic slide back to the nasopharynx easier.. I'm still experimenting w ways of getting it into the nasopharynx, and will use straws to snort it (per webdog) next..

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