Nasobiotex L. Sakei Probiotic Powder for sinus microbiome - anyone tried it?

Discussion in 'Nutrition, food sensitivity, microbiome treatments' started by Webdog, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. nonstopflu

    nonstopflu Established Member

    one more update:

    I've had a severe sore throat this weekend, which has gradually gotten worse over the past few days... Finally, this afternoon I gargled w some nasobiotex and the soreness is completely gone! I still feel like I have a bad virus (aches, fatigue, inertia) but the sore throat disappeared within an hour or so... I've never experienced anything like it... Great product to have on hand in case if you're prone to sore throats...

    METHOD: 1/3 teaspoon nasobiotex dissolved in 1/4 cup of water. Gargle, and swallow. repeat until it's gone.

    Also, I stopped putting it in my sinuses last week when I started feeling a virus coming on... I wasn't sure if the nasobiotex stirred something up (still not sure) so I stopped it for awhile.. It's possible that the nasobiotex killed some bad bacteria and that's what made me so sick this past week...Just a heads up in case you try it ... it may stir things up... Still very happy to have this stuff because, ultimately, I think it's good for me.. I have terrible sinusitis and am prone to sore throat.
    merylg, MarcNotMark and andypants like this.
  2. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    I have recently discovered that my frequent sinusitis and sore throats is actually due to 'Silent Acid Reflux'.
    nonstopflu, merylg and Trish like this.
  3. resunator

    resunator New Member

    I found this company Lacto Health and they ship to Canada. The shipping cost is a bit pricy but if this works it's totally worth it.
  4. resunator

    resunator New Member

  5. nonstopflu

    nonstopflu Established Member


    I get significant die off every time I do this (~1x every week to 2 weeks) but feel better than I did before every time I do it. I'm posting this update so that others may have an expectation re how slowly results may take... I sleep a lot for a couple of days after I use it. I'm feeling better today after using it on Tuesday, and my sinuses are completely clear w no swelling/congestion. My head feels clearer, too I've been taking a lot of vitamin c to help.
    Lisa108 likes this.
  6. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Webdog, nonstopflu and others.

    I finally, finally got some of the Nasobiotex probiotic and started taking it a couple days ago. Soon after I my sinus infection actually got worse, but that could be related to the fact I had to go to the ER on Saturday after some weird chest 'pains' (very dull aches). Tests say everything's fine of course, but I was there for almost four hours and it took a lot out of me. Plus you know the cliche where if you want to get an infection, just go to the hospital.

    Anyway, reviewing the last couple pages of this thread, I noticed that many of you are taking much higher doses than that recommended by the company. As you know, it comes with this microscopic measuring spoon which must be like 1/1000th of a teaspoon.

    Did any of you try that to no avail and then decided to go up on the dose? Also did anyone develop a immune reaction to killing off the buggers?

    Thanks in advance.
    andypants and Little Bluestem like this.
  7. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    Yes, I upped the probiotic dose to get more effect. The routine I settled on was snorting about a quarter teaspoon of the powder up each nostril every other day for about 10 days, preferably after a shower or bath.

    I only occasionally use the Nasobiotex now when things get worse. For example, I last used it 3 months ago. Nasobiotex cleared about 60% of my sinus issues, but that last 40% won't go away.

    All my doctor will offer me is Flonase spray, which I've found almost completely useless.
    andypants likes this.
  8. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yeah, I would avoid that and most other nasal sprays because most of them contain benzalkonium chloride, which can have adverse effects:

    Anyway, thanks for your reply @Webdog . I'm guessing then that you went through the product a lot faster than usual. As you know, the jars are SO tiny, yet they say there's 240 'servings' in a container. I'll try going up and see what happens.

    No doubt there are many other strains that are part of the microbiome. I know that my sinuses calm down w/l. plantarum, which has shown benefit for dust allergies.

    Here's an overview of the studies done so far:
    andypants and Webdog like this.
  9. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    For those who haven't seen it, here's the product -- and this is before I started using it.

    Attached Files:

    andypants likes this.
  10. heavenscent

    heavenscent New Member

    I started using Nasobiotex three weeks ago. I lost most of my sense of smell years ago after a bad sinus infection. Within a few days of starting, I was able to smell and it was really amazing! Since then, I've had days when I can smell a lot and days when it's the same as it's been for years.

    Within a few days my sinuses seemed drier, then all of a sudden began "producing" a lot in ways that are not normal for me. Lots of thin, clear mucous, then lots of dark mucous with occasional bright red blood spots and once or twice what looked like scabs. I also have started sneezing a lot! Again, not normal for me.

    I'm not sure what to make of this.

    I can't decide if I just happened to pick up a head cold around the time I started L. Sakei that behaves differently from every other head cold I've ever had, OR if the L. Sakei has stirred something up, brought on an infection, unearthed an infection, created an imbalance, is in the process of creating new balance... I just don't know.

    Anyone have similar experiences with L. Sakei? Any recommendations? @Webdog ?

    Thanks! :)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    andypants likes this.
  11. dannybex

    dannybex Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @heavenscent Not sure what's happening, but my uneducated guess would be that the l. sakei might be helping or trying to rid your sinuses of stuff that has built up or been stuck there for years. It might just be a normal reaction.

    I've been using it off and on and am getting some stuff out that I literally haven't seen in 20 years, and maybe a little like what you're seeing. Before I got ME/CFS, whenever I had a sinus infection I wouldn't start to feel better until I got out this disgusting thick, almost chunks, of mucus. And in the worst stuff -- the stuff that would give me a really sore throat -- if I was able to get that out, I could see blood vessels in amongst the mucus. Gross I know, but it almost looked like brains.
    andypants likes this.
  12. asus389

    asus389 New Member

    @Webdog I tried to use Lanto Sinus which is an L Sakei product. I have noticed the same side effects as above. I feel kind of spaced out and foggy after using it. The effect is worse if I sniff a bit of dry powder vs swishing it in my mouth. The swishing method did seem to calm my sinuses, whereas the sniffing method seemed to make my nose feel stuffed up. Did the fatigue and sleepiness effect go away for you? Did you also get an increase in brain fog and for how long?
  13. Henrik

    Henrik Established Member

    Is there any particular reason to not use food grade L.Sakei? I was thinking of buying this one I was thinking it might actually be a higher grade than a lot of supplements in the US since the regulation is basically non-existent on supplements. I'm very new to probiotics so please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just looking for an affordable way to buy it in Europe :)
  14. zuby

    zuby New Member

    Has anyone addressed candida therapy for sinusitis/sinus infections? Recently I came down with symptoms after being exposed to vaginal scent during sex - breathing quite heavily I took a lot of air in and had two results - 1) metallic taste in mouth 2) a persistent and increasing nasal/sinus irritation building to pain and the 'wearing the mask' symptom we probably all know - ear pain, etc... Now on z-pack after trying to use sakei alone with *some* success but no cure at least for now.

    I have suffered from nasl/sinus issues nearyl all my life (55) and am getting desperate for at least a stable life. The quality of life for me now is bad.

    HELP - please!
  15. hinterland

    hinterland Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Has anyone found a source for Lactobacillus sakei in the UK? Thanks. I'd like to try this for my sinus issues, but shipping from US supplier is $50.

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