I agree. In the Healthinfo document, subheadings have been translated into Maori. One of the subheadings is Whakatau me tiaki ake i a koe i te ME/CFS Diagnosis and self-care for ME/CFS So, they used the disease name of ME/CFS, although inconsistently. Using ME/CFS seems like a good way to go for now.
@Hutan, until when will you be able to feed back any comments to Te Reo Komiti via the HealthInfo people? And is there a way Māori with ME can contact them directly?
event The looming crisis of Long Covid by Anna Brooks Date and time Tue, August 2, 2022 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM NZST Location The Birdcage 133 Franklin Road Auckland, Auckland 1011 New Zealand https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the...vid-tickets-369564024947?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
Prof Warren Tate: “Scientists studying potential link between chronic fatigue and long Covid struggle for funding” https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/he...c-fatigue-and-long-covid-struggle-for-funding Twitter thread:
Scientists who study the potential relationship between chronic fatigue and the long struggle of Cov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jsy_tlRQ7k "Professor Emeritus Warren Tate says that it took two decades when the research of chronic fatigue syndrome will take seriously" not helped by constant referral as 'chronic fatigue'.
Seriously weird channel. Seems to be some sort of AI-generated "news presenter" reading articles from other sites (in this case the Stuff article linked in post#705). Yet in the the 'about' section they make it sound as though they have their own team of journalists. They joined Youtube only in January this year and there's nothing to be found about 'NZ VIP News' by googling. Doesn't inspire confidence.
RNZ: "Efforts underway to establish Long Covid clinic" 14 min interview Some mixed messages here. On the one hand, recognition that currently there's only symptomatic treatment, recognition of gaslighting of patients (incl pwME) and recognition, albeit a bit limited, of PEM and pacing. On the other hand naive admiration for the UK LC clinics and excessive focus on physio and breathing rehab. https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/prog...forts-underway-to-establish-long-covid-clinic
Recognize the problem. Recommend the problem. Spot the real problem here. And if only there was symptomatic treatment. It's literally the whole problem that there isn't any at all, everything exists to get people back to work and stop whining about their symptoms, even though nothing exists to do that either. It's all a house of lies, built on foundations of lies and with the end-goal of lying about the whole thing.
Warren Tate interview Station: Radio New Zealand Date: July 13, 2022 WebRadio: https://podcast.radionz.co.nz/mnr/m...ng_at_how_to_help_long_covid_recovery-128.mp3 URL: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national...id-s-similarities-to-chronic-fatigue-syndrome
Warren Tate press release: New research provides insight into Long COVID and ME by University of Otago https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-07-insight-covid.html Twitter thread:
Petition for NZ govt to recognise ME as a disability. https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/pet...-associated-myalgic-encephalomyelitis-society
We now have a thread for this petition: New Zealand: 2022 Petition for the NZ government to recognise ME/CFS as a disability - deadline 29 August 2022 (people living outside NZ can sign) Some posts on this thread have been moved there.
Not sure if this has been posted already. NZ Geographic article: "Warren Tate investigates unexplained illnesses" Don't recall having see it put like this before (no further elaboration oin the article): https://www.nzgeo.com/stories/warren-tate-investigates-unexplained-illnesses/
Press release: https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/GE2...ing-to-support-mechronic-fatigue-syndrome.htm Article heavily based on press release: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/12...-spur-fund-to-tackle-chronic-fatigue-syndrome [I have no connection with this and no additional knowledge.]
LONG COVID CARE: I came across this article highlighting a care model in Hawkes Bay... http://www.ourhealthhb.nz/news-and-...pport-for-long-covid-sufferers-in-hawkes-bay/ The article links to a guidance document that looks reasonable... http://www.ourhealthhb.nz/assets/CO...6_TWOHB_COVID-Self-Management-Booklet_1.4.pdf
6444 signatures on the ANZMES petition that closed 30th August. Article related to the ANZMES Petition to reclassify ME/CFS as a disability... https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/he...isappointed-officials-wont-reclassify-illness This quotes MOH officials as saying the reclassification won't happen. and
ANZMES statement post closing of the Petition to reclassify ME/CFS as a disability... https://anzmes.org.nz/reclassification-update/ This seems to [be] in response to the article shared in prior post above, that quoted MOH officials as saying the reclassification won't happen. and
Apologies if this has already been posted: Learn From ME Learn from leading ME/CFS researcher Dr Lynette Hodges, Exercise Physiologist “Post-exertional malaise(PEM) suffered by individuals can last anywhere from 5-20 days following a period of exercise. It is really important for those with ME/CFS to pace themselves and take plenty of recovery time. My research has demonstrated that a little exercise every three days could benefit those with ME/CFS, when done within their limits.” You can read more about Dr Hodges research at https://m.e.awareness.nz/research/#MasseyUni