Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia Symptoms Markedly Reduced with Parenteral Vitamins and Minerals: A Case Report, 2019, Bruton & Fuller

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research' started by Andy, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Open access,
  2. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This intrigues me. I have PKD (as well as PNKD, non kinesgnic) and over the years have come across people with ME who have it as well. I also had a friend with MS who had it who was told that neurological disease can make a mild genetic case apparent.

    First of all, how lucky is she that she has not been written off as having FND? Wow! Movement disorders including PKD are the poster child for FND with them claiming over 50% of movement disorders are FND.

    Then we must ask whether it is the volume of liquid in the infusions which is causing the improvement because of the great results from Dr Bell in Lyndonville who used saline infusions to increase blood volume. They had to be discontinued because of the problem with collapsing veins and infected stents to the dismay of patients.
    Dolphin likes this.

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