Copied post Another person with severe ME/CFS is being threatened with forced psychiatric hospitalisation in Denmark. There is a petition here.
So, is psychosis as medically described even a real thing? Rather than likely many things they can't tell apart? If they can't even tell the difference, how often do they get it wrong? Half the time? More? It's looking more and more like there isn't much that is actually valid in health care that isn't verifiable using technology. For all the criticism of LLMs making a lot of stuff up, this is simply normal human behavior. Humans make stuff up all the damn time, even when lives are at stake.
Her: You’re hurting me! Them: No, I’m not. Us: You’re hurting her! Them: No, you’re delusional. How confident do you have to be in your own opinion to brush off claims of damage at your hands? This is the kind of behaviour that makes me wish for a lower threshold for personal legal liability for HC-workers - including prison. That would be a mess in itself, but it’s the only thing that might make these people think twice. The only care about themselves.
Indeed in any context there is an issue when liability isn’t going to be personal but ‘following orders’ is justification even if everyone knows you gave the orders. The other one is people being allowed to pretend they didn’t know even when it was their job to know and what they are claiming is infeasible - like all their staff went renegade on them and they just didnt notice. people don’t and often can’t say no until that one is changed to make individuals liable for their part , and their bosses personally liable for allowing it and so on.