Petition against National Competence center for CFS/ME with BPS approach in Norway - anyone can sign

Discussion in 'Petitions' started by Kalliope, Aug 25, 2018.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Then leave. Let people who know what they're doing and are actually motivated at doing something useful.

    What's even the point of having people like that involved? They're clearly not up to the task and have no intention of learning anything. No one's holding them there. They're clearly terrible at their job and contribute nothing of value. So why hold this position at all? And what is the point of paying people (I assume) who clearly can't do their job and won't even try to think about how they could change that?

    Ridiculous. Complete disrespect.
    Sean, Andy, Annamaria and 1 other person like this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Those are entirely irrelevant so it's a false controversy. The existence of deniers is not a controversy in itself, it's their involvement that is. Why pay attention to people who have no stake or relevant skills and whose interests are entirely self-serving? There will always be people who promote junk about any topic, doesn't mean they have to be listened to.

    No one is forcing them to suffer this horrible state of being criticized on all fronts whatever they choose to do. They can leave any time and let competent people with sincere intentions to do a job they clearly cannot do. Why are they involved in something they don't even care to do properly?
    Sean, Andy, Annamaria and 1 other person like this.

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