Spoonseeker blog: A (Second) Letter to Dr Phil Hammond

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Andy, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Read more at https://spoonseeker.com/2017/10/30/a-second-letter-to-dr-phil-hammond/

    ETA: Formatting of the quote.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2017
    Viola, inox, Louie41 and 11 others like this.
  2. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Can you break that up a bit, please, @Andy?
    Louie41, Moosie and Andy like this.
  3. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
  4. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just went to have a look and the whole thing is a wall of text, which I can't read. I've left a comment (currently held in moderation) asking for it to be broken up.
  5. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Yeah, that seems to be a common format for his blogs sadly.
    MEMarge, Louie41, Moosie and 3 others like this.
  6. Spoonseeker

    Spoonseeker Established Member

    Thanks to Andy for sharing my post. Apologies re formatting. Not intended. Due to shortcomings WordPress app, which I had to use on my tablet because my desktop was being repaired. Have tried to change the format now my PC is back but it won’t let me! If Sasha or anyone else reading this is having problems, you could try viewing in landscape and stretching out as far as possible which may give larger print and possibly two columns which should be easier.

    No word yet from Dr Hammond. I am not optimistic. He tends to duck the difficult questions. Sometimes he sounds like he’s genuinely frustrated at the situation and wants to help more of his patients, but at others he just seems to be aiding EC in spreading confusion. After hearing that Radio show, I was left thinking: if he really wants to distinguish between different types of patients, why doesn’t he just do it?
  7. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hi @Spoonseeker! Thanks for trying to change the format.

    Are you able to get into the html view? If so, you could manually bung some line breaks or something in.

    But I'm guessing you've tried that!
    MEMarge, Moosie, Spoonseeker and 4 others like this.
  8. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Hi @Spoonseeker. Delighted to see you here. I always appreciate your blog posts.

    Good luck with getting a response from Dr Hammond. I tried on Twitter to suggest he use 2-day CPET, and to clarify whether he was advising pacing or GET. No response. As you say, he only responds when it suits him, and muddies the water with patients who don't have ME.
    MEMarge, Moosie, Spoonseeker and 11 others like this.
  9. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Thank you for trying to change the format for those of us who have trouble with all those pesky words. Two columns are appearing on my laptop screen and that has helped. [Tip for anyone still having difficulty with two columns: cover half the screen!]
    Louie41, Moosie, Spoonseeker and 6 others like this.
  10. Spoonseeker

    Spoonseeker Established Member

    Many thanks for the welcome greetings! Well done for getting this place together. The chances are that I shan't be as active here as I would like, as eye pain is one of my main M.E. symptoms unfortunately – which is kind of ironic in view of the above. Thanks for the HTML suggestion, Sasha. It's a good one and I hadn't thought of it, but unfortunately no, it doesn't work in this instance. I'm glad that Scarecrow has found the two columns useful at least. If you "stretch out" the screen to magnify further, you may be able to get just one column up on the screen at a time.

    There's still no word from Dr Phil. I suspect my experience this time may be the same as Trish's. Or maybe it's just that he's busy out trick or treating with Esther this evening...
    MEMarge, Louie41, Moosie and 10 others like this.
  11. Jan

    Jan Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Welcome @Spoonseeker I always look forward to reading your blogs :)
    MEMarge, Louie41, Moosie and 3 others like this.
  12. Robert 1973

    Robert 1973 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    As Dr Phil Hammond has been repeatedly tweeting Jeremy Hunt on Twitter, trying to get him to answer a question, I felt it was appropriate to ask Dr Hammond to answer the questions that @Spoonseeker has been asking since October. Dr Hammond is Tweeting Jeremy Hunt every day, and asking others to Tweet him too, but I am not minded to ask Dr Hammond again. He clearly doesn’t want to answer and I don’t want to be accused of harassment. It’s disppaointing because I was encouraged by his previous engagement with Spoonseeker and he would be a very useful person to have onside.




    It’s unclear to me why he is calling on Simon Wessely for help.



    Edit: I should add that Dr Hammond has unfollowed me following our exchange.
    Moosie, MEMarge, Jan and 13 others like this.
  13. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I would be interested to understand a bit deeper about the children "who did not respond well to treatment", which is a rather imprecise statement. Is he really saying what is implied, that they simply did not improve? Or is there another statement buried in there, that some of those kids actually deteriorated, and if so by how much?
    Moosie, MEMarge, Jan and 2 others like this.
  14. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hammond is so annoying. He always evades the important specifics, and retreats to general calls for more 'bio-medical' research, or something like that. That sort of thing looks bad coming from Sonya Chowdhury, but it looks even worse coming from someone who is being paid to work in a specialist CFS service.
    Moosie, MEMarge, Jan and 5 others like this.
  15. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Very true, but this makes me think, perhaps instead of us "being assertive" we can recruit some doctors to do the same, it won't fly to say other doctors and researchers are sending death threats, it not only carries more weight but if they decide to make those public is will only humiliate them further. Imagine Ester posting a letter from a Nobel laureate that explains the flaws in her research and she claims its vexatious or threatening. :D
    MEMarge likes this.
  16. alex3619

    alex3619 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    They (not EC) did that to James Coyne in relation to PACE which got him fired up.
    MEMarge and Valentijn like this.
  17. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Indeed, though i'm reminded of David Tuller being thrown out of EC's presentation, if it were a Nobel laureate it could have made for an international newsworthy embarrassment.
    They are determined to screw us over, we need to publicly humiliate them with their own lies. Think of it as a propaganda war, it should not be but it is.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
    MEMarge likes this.

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