Symptom fluctuations and daily physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a case-control study, Nijs et al (2011)

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research' started by Hoopoe, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    A study that is of interest because it measured activity levels with an accelerometer.

    Unfortunately the authors did not investigate further to find out the "direction of these relations".
  2. Ravn

    Ravn Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Probably because that would have required time travel to see if increased symptoms the next day could lead to more activity the previous day... I think I've just confused myself... :confused:

    This, however, I do understand. What they're saying here is that pacing works.
  3. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It doesn't require time travel, it just requires cloning, of many identical people with ME.

    And a few decades, so possibly some form of technology to keep people asleep without ageing for 30 or so years would be needed. To stop them getting bored waiting for the research to start.

    Maybe that doesn't exist yet but possibly easier than time travel.


    Fairly sure that's considered unethical for some reason.

    ...and yes, pacing works, sort of.
    JaneL, Peter Trewhitt and Ravn like this.
  4. obeat

    obeat Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  5. Skycloud

    Skycloud Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    saranbonser likes this.
  6. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Am I correct in understanding that a difference between the CFS group and the sedentary controls is that the CFS group were in general either active or resting, whereas the sedentary controls pottered more?

    Does this mean that CFS group are seeking to maximise what they can do, ie pacing themselves, whereas the healthy but sedentary controls did not have a need structure what they did when? I suppose the big question is then, does this separating into distinct spells of activity and of rest increase what an individual with ME is able to do overall? Unfortunately not a question this experimental set up can answer.
    Sean and JaneL like this.
  7. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think it does.

    When I stop in time and rest (or doing something different, lighter) , after some time I can go on with the task I was doing. Sadly after every rest I have to stop sooner and in the end I have to stop all together and lay down.
    Peter Trewhitt and JaneL like this.

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