UK CMRC 2018 Conference held September 19 & 20 at Bristol

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Sasha, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    To enable discussion of each of the talks at the Conference, separate threads have been created for each talk and posts moved across.

    For those who prefer to read about the Conference and all the talks, the 24 page MEA report of the conference is here.

    Prof Stephen Holgate CMRC Chair. 15 minutes.

    Prof Alain Moreau 'Identification of post-exertional dysregulated circulating microRNAs in ME/CFS pathogenesis'. 39 minutes.

    Dr Nina Muirhead 'The views of a Doctor with ME on educating Doctors and medical students about ME'. 21 minutes.

    Rachel Hunter 'The economic impact of CFS/ME'. 22 minutes.

    Dr Eliana Lacerda 'European collaboration in ME/CFS: The EUROMENE network'. 21 minutes.

    Rachel French 'CFS/ME, IBS and Fibromyalgia: Chance association or common pathway'. 15 minutes.

    Prof Frances Williams 'Twins and the study of chronic pain genetics'. 24 minutes.

    Dr Luis Nacul 'The UK ME/CFS Biobank: Accelerating global research in ME/CFS'. 35 minutes.

    David Tuller Q & A Session. 11 minutes.

    Dr Neil Harrison 'MRC-funded update: Imaging exercise-induced Post-Exertional Malaise in ME/CFS. 26 minutes.

    Prof Cathie Sudlow, Chief Scientist, UK Biobank. Anne Faulkner Memorial Lecture: 'Big health data and open science: a powerful combination to generate new understanding of disease'. 54 minutes.

    Dr Elisa Oltra 'Differential microRNA profiles in PBMCs and plasma EVs of severely affected ME/CFS patients'. 33 minutes.

    Prof Carmine Pariante 'MRC Funded Update: Persistent fatigue induced by interferon-alpha: a novel, inflammation-based, proxy model of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome'. 23 minutes.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2018
  2. Cinders66

    Cinders66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That’s quite a different Stephen Holgate write up to mine there !

    The way the research is always specifically noted as MRC funded by the charities and at the conference always strikes me as the CMRC being window dressing for the MRC because there’s promo going on
    Nellie likes this.

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