Video: "The ME scandal"

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic theories and treatments discussions' started by Marky, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. Peter

    Peter Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Finally managed to see the whole presentation. Very impressive work, and thanks to the people putting it together.

    It is baffling stuff and all to familiar to patients. Hopefully many will invest time to view it, first and foremost doctors, politicians, journalists, friends and family. Quite demanding, but a lot to learn about a very nasty chapter in medical history.

    Thorough review of the historical facts in Norway, but that’s unfortunately not unique, quite the contrary. The only unique thing in Norway compared to the rest of the world (except UK) is the vast amount of LP-practicioners. So it’s easy to imagine how patients have to deal with this immense bogus from all angels, whether it is media coverage, doctors or even authorities practicing double-standards.

    The way these people shake off practicing double-standards are clearly mind-boggling. Portraying themself as guardians of science in every aspect, except when it comes to ME. Everything is suddenly upside-down, and no reason to bother..? I find it particularly scary that the anti-science movement and double-standards spreads like a corona-virus within the walls of the national institute of public health.

    Examples of misconduct are relentless, and another extremely low, was the piece in Bergens Tidende a couple of years ago signed by some 20 persons, taking patient-contempt to a new grim level.

    Given the circumstances and years and years of what must be categorized as intentional/premeditated damage, an inquiry would be appropriate and reasonable. An apology would be of little help to patients that long ago deteriorated to merely existing, but it would have important symbolic value.

    It’s is well put by a patient in and out of the presentation, powerful and telling:

    “ME just destroyed my health. It was the response from the society that ruined my life.
    Hutan, Noir, Campanula and 11 others like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Hutan, Dolphin, Marit @memhj and 2 others like this.

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