Webinar: Challenging Disbelief and Disregard in relation to Medicine, Chronic Illness and Disability, 24th May 2022

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by Andy, May 10, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "Free webinar 24th May 1-3pm BST

    This webinar brings together academics and activists working in relation to disbelief and disregard in medicine, chronic illness and disability. It will focus in paticular on the relationship between disbelief/disregard and energy, understood in two ways: first in relation to chronic illness/disability that involves energy limitation, and secondly in relation to the ways in which activism and advocacy in relation to medicine, chronic illness and disability takes, and depletes, energy.

    Organised by: Dr Bethan Evans, Dr. Lioba Hirsch and Dr Morag Rose (University of Liverpool), Catherine Hale and Alison Allam (Chronic Illness Inclusion), Dr Ana Bê Peirera (Liverpool Hope University).

    Speakers include (in addition to the organisers): Brianne Benness (No End in Sight), Dzifa Afonu (Healing Justice London), Leonora Gunn (University of Leeds and Leeds Disabled People’s Organisation), Katherine Cheston (Durham University), Aaliyah Shaikh (City University, London), Dr Emma Sheppard (Coventry University), Aleyah Babb-Benjamin (National Voices), Jenny Ceolta-Smith (Long Covid Support)."

    ahimsa, Trish, hibiscuswahine and 7 others like this.
  2. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Disbelief of patients by doctors?

    Or disbelief of doctors by patients?

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