Exactly! You absolutely understand my concern. I might see how functional I am over the next week without it, compare my sympathetic nervous...
I’m gradually experimenting with acetyl l carnitine capsules. I am feeling better. More mental clarity. More ability to sit down and focus on a...
Would a quiet email to the corresponding author be appropriate? To ask what science denial they are referring to in regards the CFS and perhaps...
Paradigme shift to disequilibrium in the genesis of orthostatic intolerance in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome K Miwa European Heart...
It’s my opinion that one of the best things an advocacy agency can do when approaching the science is to be very clear about the category of...
Would this resource be available to international ME advocacy groups? ME Awareness NZ would almost certainly make use of such a resource. And with...
Hehehe! Such a way with words. :emoji_laughing:
That would be interesting. I am very aware that cognition burns a lot of energy. Study often left me tired when I was healthy. Now it’s even more...
Air hunger is a symptom I experience with ME. I don’t associate it with winter tho. Some days I’m having a good reasonably PEM-free day, just...
@Medfeb :party::emoji_clap: I affirm the feedback @Ravn has given. The main issue for me is the possibility of missing mild cases when there is...
I think you have to take into account what the document is and what it isn’t. The document is an extremely brief diagnostic assist for clinicians....
If anyone is willing, we wouldn’t mind a few eyes reading the following page currently being edited. Looking out for obvious errors or...
If anyone has any insight regarding how to explain this study to laypeople, I’m keen to hear suggestions. It is for this page currently being...
M.E. Awareness NZ is investigating whether New Zealand GPs can do these CME. If anyone has any thoughts about them, recommendations, or even...
Yay that’s awesome! I made another more serious one. Didn’t know how to emphasis the humour without getting wordy so worded it for impact instead....
Throw that into the Member Only discussion over here...
My mum made her first MEME... or at least we killed ourselves laughing when she described it and I made it for her. Original images are royalty...
I have recently made a resource to be edited and added to regarding Professional Codes of Conduct/Ethics for relevant fields....
This is a question I also have and would love to know more about. The only chemistry I studied in my undergraduate was when cognitive psych was...
Separate names with a comma.