Not clear why they resigned. All speculation I think at this point. Paul Garner should not have been approached. Why should his opinion matter?...
Hoped I would find it. This is from NICE. Not sure if it applies to the ME/CFS Guideline process, but I think we can assume that it does: Link:...
Stakeholders would normally see the final draft 12 days (I think) before publication. This would only be to proof-read the document. Not to make...
Personally, gutted at the announcement, but professionally it was to be expected and cautiously welcomed. The guideline committee have an awful...
Washington Post: Renaming of Long Covid to post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) - 22 March 2021 What do you think? I wonder how the...
@Andy Did you happen to see this article published 22 March 2021? It references Body Politic and Solve ME/CFS... Looks like the Long Covid...
Lady Margaret Mar writes them up from a recording she makes of the meeting.
Hi Sorry for delay in replying. Busy, busy busy... Link to all the ME Awareness blogs for May: Link...
That was my bad :) Too many plates in the air this week! We just heard from Carol Monaghan's office that the full details of the meeting are:...
"It was agreed that we need to craft a scientifically robust GWAS application but the more detailed costs now available most likely mean that we...
Fair enough, although Prof. Ponting would have been doing the 20,000 GWAS attached to MEGA :)
I think there's more to it than that. Hopefully the public will learn all about it in due course. We haven't even been informed of the estimated...
Are you able to locate anything that says what the outcome of the legal dispute(s) was? This occurred in 2009 so you'd expect some sort of report...
I find it very strange that nobody has commented on the apparent removal of the proposed expansion of the M.E. Biobank from this project. This was...
Puts me in mind of the 'snakeoil' salesmen that we have come into contact with over the past decades. Several of whom, when questioned, would say,...
Is it laughter than might do it - or is it the distraction? When I think of all the other distractions I employ to take my mind off the [include...
Morning @Natalie Apologies, I have only just seen the alert and wasn't aware of previous conversations between you and Dr Shepherd. We did...
Of course while White is correct about the sheer number of competing criteria for ME/CFS his comments are rather unfair in that most research now...
I think there is a need to debate 'neurological' and 'mental' because the latter should I feel slide into the former regardless of our discussions...
Hi Nasim, I don't I'm afraid. Couldn't find it. Must be somewhere...? This later website blog from the MEA in 2011 says I think that is should...
Separate names with a comma.