Thought this was interesting. Neural circuits in the brain rely on neuronal excitation (a positive change in the electrical potential across the...
In mice. A new study has detailed the damaging role played by the immune system in a severe brain condition most commonly caused by the cold sore...
Full Title: Neuroimaging characteristics of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS): a systematic review. Abstract...
Full title: Using structural and functional MRI as a neuroimaging technique to investigate chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy: a...
A recent Dutch article writes about long-term symptoms following COVID-19 and makes the connection to CFS. Jos van der Meer, one of the Dutch...
NIH blog Psychological stress damages brain’s blood vessels by Brandon Levy Millions of Americans suffered from depression and anxiety even...
Now scientists have uncovered new details about the man you might call "the da Vinci" of modern brain science. He was a physiologist named Angelo...
Innate immune responses, particularly activation of macrophages and microglia, are increasingly implicated in CNS disorders. It is now appreciated...
In rats. Highlights • Alternative substrates were given during hyper- or hypo-cerebral metabolic states. • Alternative substrate metabolism was...
To paraphrase, "We've found changes in the brains of people with "FSS", this then proves that "FSS" is valid category! It certainly doesn't mean...
Moderator note: Copied from this thread: "Cerebral blood flow is reduced in ME/CFS during head-up tilt testing even in the absence of hypotension... The Project will bring together two Harvard teams to analyze autopsied ME/CFS brains for a range of...
Don't know why this wasn't thought of before now. From the article: Dr Lein and his...
Google publishes largest ever high-resolution map of brain connectivity (Jan 2, 2020) by James Vincent - The Verge It’s a fruit fly brain, but...
This is an article of a paper that is yet to be published. View here. More than 2.5 million people in the United States alone experience a...
Summary: A synthesized small-molecule drug blocks the TGF-beta receptor in astrocytes and traverses the blood-brain barrier in mice. When...
Link between inflammation and mental sluggishness shown in new study An estimated 12M UK citizens have a chronic medical condition, and many of...
In a paper published in Annals of Neurology, Matthew Anderson, HMS associate professor of pathology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and...
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