While the coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented restrictions for billions of people, for many with disabilities, the lockdown has...
Has anyone submitted a diary along with their ESA/UC or PIP form? I am struggling with what to write and include. I've seen some PIP diaries...
Free full text: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-654-x/89-654-x2019002-eng.htm Canadian Survey on Disability Reports The Dynamics of...
Ministers should consider abolishing the Department for Work and Pensions after its failure to help ill and disabled people out of poverty, a...
Kate Stanforth lives with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) – a condition that is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Her symptoms started...
A new study says that more than half of disabled lawyers have experienced bullying or discrimination at work When Isobel Rogers, 29, who has...
Corina Duyn had to open a window in her home to speak to a general election candidate – she could not get to the door because she is disabled....
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2020/jan/23/which-is-the-best-pc-for-someone-who-has-parkinsons I thought some of the suggestions...
Eligibility Children may be assessed through our Early Help team, Social Care teams and/or the Children with Disabilities Team. In order for a...
In 2008 Oliver’s heart and soul grew ever stronger, however not by choice but rather in the form of answering to his greatest challenge. That...
Tesco has taken steps to help shoppers with hidden disabilities by launching the sunflower lanyard scheme in stores across the UK. The...
The Disabilities Studies program is one of only a few full degree programs like it, and it is open to students of all majors. “Not only do we...
Excellent article in Huff Post by a woman with ME who was told to exercise, and suffered as a result. I Sometimes Feel Defeated By My Disability...
For people in US This guide is designed for anyone who is homebound and for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme...
Disabled people and others with personal experience of claiming benefits are leading a ground-breaking project to devise a new social security...
July 2019 Solve ME Webinar: Disability Insurance for ME/CFS Disability Insurance Attorney Andrew Kantor from Kantor & Kantor, LLP joins us to...
In January, I shared Emma’s and Therese’s stories of having an autoimmune condition. This struck a chord with many readers and generated lots of...
Paul Milner & Berni Kelly (2009) Community participation and inclusion: people with disabilities defining their place, Disability & Society, 24:1,...
Warning - this may be a programme that is upsetting for PIP claimants, or those awaiting a PIP assessment. On the other hand, it at least shows...
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