Justice, finally, for stricken Washington Post reporter by David Beard Here's a short article by a former colleague of Brian Vastag ( @B_V )...
" QOF Fiasco 2: ’Immoral’ refusal to learn from mistakes By Jerome Burne Last week I wrote about the great QOF (Quality and Outcomes Framework)...
The Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology (University of Hamburg) shared this video on facebook today. "John Oliver discusses how and...
I was sending out an email to the journalists I have sent stuff to in the past and found that Tom Chivers has left Buzzfeed. He would be a good...
The science media centre has played an important role in stigmatising CFS patients, and anyone critical of PACE and related work, so it's always...
NEWS RELEASE ***Embargoed until Thursday 22nd March at 01:00 GMT / Wednesday 21st March at 21:00 EDT*** Rethinking the treatment of chronic...
The MEA is broadcasting this call for help from a journalist: https://twitter.com/MEAssociation/status/927431823424196608 [MEDIA] For those not...
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