Transcriptional reprogramming from innate immune functions to a pro-thrombotic signature by monocytes in COVID-19 Maher, Allison K; Burnham, Katie...
Inborn errors of OAS-RNase L in SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children [SPOILER] Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in...
Preprint SUMMARY ME/CFS is a serious and poorly understood disease. To understand...
Liquid biomarkers of macrophage dysregulation and circulating spike protein illustrate the biological heterogeneity in patients with post-acute...
Severe fatigue as symptom of long COVID is characterized by increased expression of inflammatory genes in monocytes, increased serum...
Preprint Post-acute sequelae of COVID (PASC), or long COVID, is a multisystem complication...
Pure speculation but maybe this line of research or the methods used in the paper to understand immune cell metabolic reprogramming via... The recent COVID-19 pandemic is a treatment challenge in the acute infection stage...
I'm asking because for me they seem to be consistently slightly elevated, in the 8.5-9.5 range. Not that I have a million test results but the few...
Abstract Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex and debilitating disease with no molecular diagnostics and no...
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a debilitating condition with unknown aetiology, unclear pathophysiology and with...
Another Solve grantee: The function of immune cells is highly dependent on energy...
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