(An old study, but one that deserves to be remembered as it addresses the question of whether the increased heart rate of POTS could be caused by...
In a new blog series, we will investigate how illnesses were once thought to result from stress, psychological disturbance, or deviant personality...
International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Transgenerational violence and immunological deficits, a psychosomatic hypothesis, 2022, Papazian...
New article by @dave30th Doctors suffering from long Covid strike back at their peers – the doctors calling their illness psychosomatic....
Posts about the preprint of this paper that were on the psychologising Long Covid thread have been merged with the new thread on the paper now...
Hi, is there anyone who can help me getting the full text of this article: https://pep-web.org/browse/document/psar.042.0217a It's an old article...
This is a study from Aarhus, Denmark recently published as a paywalled Letter to the Editor in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic....
We have previously discussed interventions that manipulate how patients report symptoms as a separate form of bias, rather than as part of the...
Abstract Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic disease with the hallmark symptom of post-exertional malaise....
Journal of Psychosomatic Research Volume 116, January 2019, Pages 10-16 Thierry Gendre, Guilhem Carle, Francine Mesratid, Cécile Hubsch, Thomas...
Column (paywalled) by James Marriott in The Times. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/lets-end-the-stigma-of-psychosomatic-illness-whfdlwhph...
New blog post in which Evelien and I analyze Canadian historian Edward Shorter’s view on ME/CFS....
I've not read the sample that is available. If you’re wondering why there haven’t been many novels recently, Marcus has been working on a book...
Full title: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Organic Disease or Psychosomatic Illness? A Re-Examination of the Royal Free...
"This is also a facet in medical science — diseases are often considered psychosomatic by default until a diagnostic test or mechanism is...
Abstract There is often difficulty differentiating between psychosomatic, somatopsychic, multisystem illness, and different degrees of medical...
I've just come across this article. Is it bullshit? https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-human-beast/201209/voodoo-death-i?amp
The NewScientist magazine of 6 April 2019 contains the following two articles on psychosomatic / somatoform illnesses: It’s time to change our...
Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan, author of It’s All In Your Head, is to appear on BBC Radio 4’s The Life Scientific on 6 November:...
ME/CFS is not a psychosomatic illness W. Ian Lipkin, Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity and the Center for Solutions for ME/CFS at...
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