A member of the Swedish Riksdag ("the Parliament") has asked the Minister for Health and Social Affairs a formal question about ME/CFS. The...
Copied post from News from Scandinavia There will be an open hearing on ME/CFS and infection triggered fatigue syndrome in the Swedish Riksdag on...
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin) published a report on long covid today. The portrayal of ME in the report is...
Kjell Asplund, MD and professor emeritus at Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine has published the book Fuskarna - (My translation of...
Gunnar Olsson Fatigue, exhaustion, ME and ACT About psychology, energy and mitochondria - a new holistic view Associate Professor Gunnar Olsson...
Graeme Jones and Annie Pettersson at Nordic Clinic Stockholm has interviewed Jonas about ME/CFS and his unique research. You can view or listen to...
A comprehensive clinical and laboratory evaluation of 224 patients with persistent symptoms attributed to presumed tick-bite exposure Abstract...
Abstract Major clinical centers in Sweden have witnessed an inflow of patients with chronic symptoms following initial outpatient care for...
Bragée Clinic in Sweden is planning a study looking at 'Craniocervical dysfunction, neuroinflammation and infection in ME/CFS ws healthy controls'...
MD Jonas Axelsson, RED Clinic in Stockholm, Sweden in collaboration with researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Lund University in Sweden, and...
I have just received a copy of Jörgen Malmquist's book on ME/CFS, "Trött hela livet. Sjukdomen ME". In English: "Tired all life. The illness ME"....
Professor Anders Rosén and Eirini Apostolou, PhD, at Linköping University are planning a study consisting of 3 subprojects, looking at cytokines,...
Moderator note posts below have been moved from: https://www.s4me.info/threads/news-from-scandinavia.647/ "Help Holger now!" 13 minutes long...
http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1415500&dswid=9881 Nilsson, Isabell Palmer, Jeremy Apostolou, Eirini Linköping...
Note from moderators: First posts merged from thread here. https://www.s4me.info/threads/news-from-scandinavia.647/page-51#post-237731 Good...
From: Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks Source: Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden) Date: January 23, 2020 URL:...
The Journal of the Swedish Medical Association is arranging this seminar for the third year in a row. They've had 1 100 participants till now and...
The role of low-grade inflammation for the progress of disease in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome ME/CFS Anna...
The journal of the Swedish medical association will be hosting two seminars about chronic fatigue and ME Uttmattningssyndrom och ME/CFS - Umeå...
The Mind-Body Syndrome Study by Daniel Maroti and Robert Johansson at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden is currently recruiting. (This is not a...
Separate names with a comma.