Abstract Background Public trust in the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination programme has been challenged by reports of potential severe...
Preprint: Breakthrough Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections Leading to Long Covid: Report from Long Covid Facebook Group Poll, 2021, Massey et al...
Authors also include Carson, Hallet and Stone. No abstract given, see screenshot below [ATTACH] Paywall,...
Highlights • Single-cell map of the epigenomic and transcriptomic landscape to vaccination • Vaccination stimulates persistent epigenomic changes...
Moderna appears to be developing several mRNA vaccines for EBV and other viruses It's an investors' document but it lists several mRNA vaccines...
Given the rapid spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and the recent implementation of SARS-CoV-2...
In Belgium, the government plans to start vaccinating people younger than 65. Priority is given to a large group of people with health conditions...
Some posts on this thread have been moved from the vaccination experiences thread and the long covid thread. Note also there is a separate thread...
This thread has been split from the Covid-19 Vaccines and Vaccination thread. I had my Covid-19 jab yesterday (Oxford/AstraZeneca), and thought...
ME (or CFS as some still call it) is a chronic neurological condition that affects around 250,000 people across the UK, 75% are too unwell to work...
I’m not really posting for discussion but more for information as I don’t think people know about it. We certainly didn’t. My daughter just found...
Full title: Association between quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination and selected syndromes with autonomic dysfunction in Danish females:...
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X20308434#! Vaccine Available online 2 July 2020 Are unexplained adverse health...
I've no idea whether HPV vaccine increases the risk for POTS. From what research I have seen it doesn't seem to increase the risk of ME/CFS....
Magnus P1, Gunnes N2, Tveito K3, Bakken IJ2, Ghaderi S2, Stoltenberg C2, Hornig M4, Lipkin WI4, Trogstad L2, Håberg SE2. Abstract BACKGROUND:...
A potential antigenic mimicry between viral and human proteins linking Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) with...
I'm not a medical doctor so I don't know whether suggestions like this are common for other illnesses. It seems plausible to me on a superficial...
https://lymphomanewstoday.com/2019/04/23/epstein-barr-vaccination-could-cut-risk-of-b-cell-lymphoma-study-suggests/ Chronic B-cell activation —...
[I found this of interest, as my ME was triggered by a Hepatitis B vaccination that I was required to have as a student nurse.]...
Autonomic dysfunction and HPV immunization: an overview. Abstract This article reviews the case series reported from several countries describing...
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