
Discussion in 'Relationships and coping' started by Sue Klaus, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. Sue Klaus

    Sue Klaus Established Member

    Markham, Illinois
    Anger that burns white hot.
    Gaslighting does that to me.

    Im going to keep some info here for future reference.

    So here is info on UNUM.

    Unum Group is headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Through its three operating segments — Unum US, Unum UKand Colonial Life — the company is a leading provider of employee benefits in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

    Operating earnings $952 M
    Total revenues $11 billion

    Market Data
    Current Quote
    Data as of January 12, 2018
    • Last Sale $ 58.59
    • Last Close $ 58.22
    • Today's High $ 58.73
    • Today's Low $ 58.29
    • Net Change $ .37 [​IMG] .64%
    • Today's Volume 997,333
    Board of Directors (Current 2018)
    (In other words, these did not make the original decisions).
    Theodore J. Bunting
    E. Michael Caulfield
    Joseph J. Echevarria
    Cynthi L. Egan
    Pamela H. Godwin
    Kevin T. Kabat
    Timothy F. Keaney
    Gloria C. Larson
    Richard Paul McKenney
    Ronald P. O'Hanley III
    Francis J. Shammo
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
    ladycatlover, Woolie and Sue like this.
  2. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    I am not understanding the relationship between Anger (title of the thread) and UNUM? Did I miss something in the news yesterday?
    ladycatlover, Hutan, dannybex and 6 others like this.
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure how to respond to this thread. Is there more information to come?
  4. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    This thread is all over the place. First of all it's in "Lifestyle and management", but there's nothing about lifestyle or management in it. The title doesn't tell anyone it's about Unum facts and figures. The first two lines, coupled with "for future reference" then a list of names makes it look vaguely creepy and menacing. How about changing the title to something with "Unum" in it and removing the first two lines, but even then what's the point? What are you suggesting we do with this information?
  5. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who doesn't understand this post.
    ladycatlover likes this.
  6. Allele

    Allele Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It is confusing.

    However this little statistic is infuriating:
    ladycatlover and Woolie like this.
  7. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    Don’t get me started on this whole ball of wax. Just to think how I lived a wonderful life for so many years, totally oblivious to the pain and suffering PwME endured, which includes the downstream damage inflicted by powerful lobbyists.

    I am truly sorry I did not know what was happening. When I was a 100%, if aware, I would have tried back then to help. I hope UnRest reaches people who are in a position to help us.
  8. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    @Sue Klaus

    I hope you are okay. I don’t want to read between the lines and make assumptions. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss this.
    ladycatlover, Amw66 and Skycloud like this.
  9. Allele

    Allele Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So, disability insurance is a publicly traded entity (how is this even a thing?)
    This means their primary fiduciary responsibility, mandated legally, is to shareholders. Not sick people.

    So the whole thing is a lie. It's a fake entity. Their top people making millions per annum. More and more disabled people denied benefits to make sure quarterly profits are on the ever-increase.

    It's like the company that makes great plastic widgets for, I dunno, a piece of health equipment, is hugely successful, the only game in town for the widget so everyone buys it. When it eventually goes public, it must forevermore manufacture it from thinner and cheaper materials until it no longer lasts or even works, but the company still magically shows a profit.

    This is the end result of illogically and immorally monetizing absolutely everything.
  10. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    Exactly, and this is just the tip if the iceberg. Its aggravating, but at the same time it’s also a much needed reality check. I am so glad more of us are starting to figure things out. I am learning each day, about how we all got here. I find it most infuriating, but also realize at the same time I can’t solve a problem until I can clearly define it.
  11. Sue Klaus

    Sue Klaus Established Member

    Markham, Illinois
  12. Sue Klaus

    Sue Klaus Established Member

    Markham, Illinois
    Unu, Wesley and Ukie walk into a bar.
    Unu asks, "What patients will die the slowest?"
    Wesley says, Definitely the MEFS. They're sick, but we can't test it and have no treatment for them."
    Ukie complains, "But they know they are sick, and so do we!"
    Unu bangs on the table, saying "We'll lose millions with a disease like that! They take too long to die!"
    Wesley says, "Gentlemen, I have a plan...."
    EzzieD and Wonko like this.
  13. Sue Klaus

    Sue Klaus Established Member

    Markham, Illinois
    Please feel free to move this to a more appropriate board. I never know where to post things.
  14. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea

    In the US, over the years, there has been numerous conferences, sponsored by private health insurance companies, where the primary topic is how to make more money (aka, how to screw over sick people). It’s all been done in public view, but no one seemed to notice or care.
    Sue Klaus likes this.
  15. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  16. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  17. Sue Klaus

    Sue Klaus Established Member

    Markham, Illinois
    Why is this in a thread about anger?

    Ok, let's be clear. UNUM, the UK government, and Wessley colluded to gaslight a world wide patient population. THAT'S WHY I AM ANGRY.

    "ME action UK say that on May 17, 1995, Wessely was one of the main speakers at a Unum-supported symposium held in London entitled “Occupational Health Issue for Employers” (where ME was described as “the malingerers’ charter”) at which they advised employers how to deal with employees who were on long-term sickness absence with “CFS”. Moreover, in UNUM’s “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Management Plan”, ME/CFS is described as “Neurosis with a new banner” and the same document states “UNUM stands to lose millions if we do not move quickly to address this increasing problem”. "

    Angry yet?
    Allele likes this.
  18. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm bl@@dy furious @Sue Klaus ....

    However in the UK (& possibly other parts of the world?) UNUM isn't as familiar a name as in the US. I am only familiar with the name because of an acquaintance.

    Some people in the UK might be covered by permanent health insurance policies provided by UNUM, but not everyone (a minority?) is covered by such a policy and there are various providers.

    I think most people share your anger, but perhaps, didn't understand what you were referring to.

    ETA: There is an entry in this thread explaining the UK system of healthcare, social welfare and benefits. It would be really useful to have a similar entry for the US and other systems, if anyone fancies writing something.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
    Allele and Liv aka Mrs Sowester like this.
  19. Skycloud

    Skycloud Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Angry with Unum? With Wessely? Of course.


    Unum have advised successive governments (including Blair's) on 'welfare reform' disability, as you probably know. It's a pity everyone doesn't know about this. It's a pity everyone doesn't know about their track record in the US. Somehow they've managed to keep their heads down here in the UK.

    However, I'm also angry with the CDC for going skiing instead of doing their job, and for misappropriating a very large sum of money intended for research into ME for other uses. And for considering the suffering of pwme to be a joke; literally funny. And for not doing more now.

    I would put others on an angry list too, but anger is only any good if it fuels a reaction; leads to action.
    I find anger left to it's own devices isn't good for me.
    Ash, EzzieD, Invisible Woman and 3 others like this.
  20. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Anger at a tiger is inappropriate, a correct response may involve holes and sharpened sticks, and may take a while, during which more people may be eaten and their bones spat out.

    We have a problem with several very large and voracious tigers, that appear to be invisible to most, and we may need to persuade the tigers to dig the holes.

    Anger, on it's own, achieves nothing, positive. Anger, analysis, planning and preparation might, it's still fairly certain that a lot of people will get mauled, but just less tiger.

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