Blog: Working Alongside People with Long Covid: a Psychologist’s Learning

Discussion in 'Long Covid news' started by Sly Saint, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    "Today’s guest post is written by Dr Richard Pione, a clinical psychologist, CBT therapist and former Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner. Richard has worked within several different clinical health psychology settings, with the most recent being a short-term post within a Long COVID MDT. Richard shares what he has found to be helpful when working with people experiencing symptoms of Long COVID."

    Apart from slipping in ACT and the questionable Boom and bust approach to pacing I think this is quite well balanced particularly as it is framed within IAPT.
    It includes info from MEA #MEAction and @PhysiosforME .
    geminiqry, inox, Wits_End and 13 others like this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Small bits of progress add up.

    But there was never any implying about thoughts and beliefs, it is the explicit foundation of the entire paradigm and it is not subtle in the slightest, people lying about what they mean does not change their meaning. It's important to speak inconvenient truths as they do not otherwise get corrected. It's especially hard for someone professionally into CBT, but it's the simple truth.
    geminiqry, inox, Missense and 11 others like this.
  3. 5vforest

    5vforest Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    San Francisco, CA
    Indeed. I suppose that on the whole it is good that this viewpoint is being published. But it's also funny to see the author twist himself into a pretzel with sentences like:

    inox, NelliePledge, MEMarge and 5 others like this.
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I agree. That statement massively downplays the fact that the whole edifice of CBT as treatment for ME/CFS was built on the 'false beliefs' premise and cognitive restructuring to try to persuade people they could exercise without detriment. It wasn't just that some therapists 'felt it implied' this theory. It was the overt primary purpose of the therapy.

    CBT is based on changing thoughts/cognitions in order to change behaviours. If there are no 'wrong thoughts' that need to be changed, and there is no behaviour change that is going to help, then CBT is not justified at all.
  5. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    It is a very convoluted sentence - the passive at the start avoids making it explicit that he’s saying that PWME ‘felt’ that psychologists/therapists implied that ME/CFS involves irrational thoughts......

    whereas he only has to look at what the proponents of CBT/GET say to see it is out there not implied and that PWME drawing attention to this is based on substance rather than what they feel.

    most of it isn’t bad but that sentence is weak, trying to distance himself from criticising the basis for CBT/GET
    Missense, MEMarge, Wyva and 4 others like this.

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