Campaigners in Scotland call for more ME funding

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by MeSci, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Guest 102

    Guest 102 Guest

    Hi, Tired Sam, If you'd been there you would know that we highlighted the harms of GET as best we could. I certainly did and also a woman whose poor son had a seizure after being forced to do GET spoke of his dreadful experience. We only have one CFS clinic in Scotland, in Edinburgh, I personally disavow it every chance I can. What utterly vexes me is that I used time and energy to try to educate MSPs - where 5 mins down the road we have Dr Jon Stone backing up Chalder and Sharpe's continued championing of GET/CBT nonsense. I find it horrifying to have been diagnosed by a neurologist in Glasgow almost 35 years ago - with true expertise in ME - and yet today in 2018 we have neurologists in Edinburgh peddling such dangerous notions of GET and CBT. It really scares me.

    But as far as the Scottish Parliament event went I think is good to to focus on the good and congratulate Janet, who organised the event. We are doing our best up here to educate. I also politely tweeted both Profs Sharpe and Stone about the Scot Parl event and the harms of GET, but got no response, unsurprisingly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2018
  2. Guest 102

    Guest 102 Guest

  3. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I can't say that specialist nursing services like that in Fife would excite me.
    Inara and Invisible Woman like this.

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