Covid-19 vaccination experiences

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Wits_End, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Very sorry to hear you are having such a strong reaction @ukxmrv. I hope you improve soon.
    AliceLily, Hutan, merylg and 7 others like this.
  2. Lindberg

    Lindberg Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I share your experience and your thoughts, Peter. I have moderate ME but became bedbound after the first shot of Pfizer’s vaccine. It lasted for about three weeks. After my second shot though I was doing activities the next day. Had more sore arm after the last shot, but other than that I was doing fine. I do wonder why the reaction was much less the second time?

    I had an immediate reaction though to both shots, probably MCAS related, but the reaction luckily resolved with antihistamines.

    To my surprise, I am better now two weeks after the second shot than I have been for the last eight years. The body feels more like it did before I got ME. Love it! But, of course it’s not something that I count on will last. One can hope though... :) It also makes me really curious into what’s happening in the body??
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    AliceLily, Ariel, hinterland and 12 others like this.
  3. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    My daughter has decided to be vaccinated ( huge sigh of relief) - she is not anti vax, but not in a good place just now and the possibility of being made worse made it difficult. We discussed the issues and she did her own research .There are many experiences on social media to make this more difficult and the differences in age and type of vaccine compound things.

    There does seem to be a hormonal element noticable in females -younger wth chronic illness report much worse period for the following cycle, those on HRT and perimenopause seem to have more of a reaction ( anecdotal from small sample size) .

    I would urge anyone experiencing ongoing or outwith " normal defined" side effects to use the yellow card system - this is effectively a huge trial.
  4. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh no. Some people were given saline instead of the vaccine.
  5. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Merged thread
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2022
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  6. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    This pandemic is far from over. I wish more people understood that.
    merylg, Barry, sebaaa and 12 others like this.
  7. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    IM's employer is keen to have people start going back into their offices. Especially now that many of them have had both jabs.

    Of course, they also want them to sign a form which indicates they have read the guidelines the company wants them to follow and also a waiver in case they fall sick.

    Basically, the company are trying to absolve themselves of all responsibility. Now, IM can & will follow the rules but he can't force other people to, that's down to the company bosses and HR.

    I've heard of people who have had both jabs and still become quite sick (but didn't need hospitalisation) with covid.

    Being sick for a week or so is one thing but do we know that those vaccinated definitely do not get LC? Not as far as I'm aware.
    merylg, Barry, sebaaa and 10 others like this.
  8. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    In the UK there are people who have had both injections and still died from Covid even after the two week period following the second jab, though this is obviously much much less likely than with people who haven’t had the vaccine. It seems that the figures for this are not being published. The behaviour of the Delta variant is still not fully understood, and we now also have the potentially worrying Lambda variant.

    I thought I had read that it is still possible to get Long Covid even if you have been fully vaccinated, but I can not remember where I saw it, so may just be making this up.

    What is worrying here in the UK is that children are not being vaccinated for the time being and many young adults are still to be vaccinated. However our PM is claiming we have ‘broken the link between Covid infection and death’, which is patently false, and is now looking to drop all restrictions in just under two weeks, including making mask wearing purely voluntary. The government is arguing now it is just like seasonal flue and it is up to individuals to decide their own precautions, at the same time as suggesting publishing regular statistics is unnecessary. This at a time when the Delta variant is spreading rapidly here with infection numbers doubling every two weeks currently.

    Effectively the UK government is returning England at least (Scotland, Wales and Ireland set their own pandemic restrictions) to a herd immunity strategy and it is most likely the young will pay the price for this through increasing cases of Long Covid, but also some of the vaccinated through death.
    merylg, Barry, sebaaa and 10 others like this.
  9. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Daft mistake to make but all credit to them for being honest, owning up & putting it right.
    ringding, MeSci, Amw66 and 3 others like this.
  10. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Did they disclose the ages of these people who died? We've had a few elderly people die in Canada after 2 jabs, their immune systems are not as robust.
  11. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The only figures I have seen were just very small numbers in one small area; something like four out of nine deaths in one hospital (absolute figures not a proportion) were people who had been fully vaccinated (two jabs more than two weeks before getting Covid). Also these were not official figures, but cited by a local politician when defending his area against the suggestion by government ministers was that the high local levels of infection there were due to the high numbers of ethnic minorities who had a poorer uptake of vaccination, rather than it being down to then new Delta variant.

    Since then I have not been able to find any other figures of the numbers dying after being vaccinated. So I have no idea of more general figures, just the knowledge that it can happen.

    I suspect these early local variations were related to the fact that these were areas with close links to the Indian subcontinent at time when there was no restriction on travel to and from India. So the high infection rate here was because it was one of the entry points of the Delta variant into the UK. Certainly we are seeing a different pattern now. For example Cornwall around the location of the G7 summit became a Covid hotspot in the following fortnight, even though it did not have a low local vaccine up take or high levels of ethnic minorities.

    I may be wrong, but it feels that the government having invested a lot of political capital into our vaccine programme is reluctant to share any data that might be seen to undermine that programme.
  12. Wits_End

    Wits_End Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    UK London
    merylg, Barry, hinterland and 9 others like this.
  13. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just came across this figure, but it was quoted without any source:

    A reminder: the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines are only 65% effective against the Delta Variant”

    The Delta variant is now the dominant strain in the UK.
    Barry and Invisible Woman like this.
  14. Chezboo

    Chezboo Established Member (Voting Rights)

    Hi Peter,

    You mentioned that you had not seen data on death rates for fully vaccinated people with the Delta variant. I wonder if you've seen this. It's a Public Health England report with some data on deaths due to delta variant and compared vaccinated vs unvaccinated via age group.

    name of report:

    SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England: technical briefing 17

    Table 4

    Attendance to emergency care and deaths by vaccination status among Delta confirmed cases (sequencing and genotyping) including all confirmed Delta cases in England, 1 February 2021 to 21 June 2021

    Within the table the following data can be found.

    Under 50s Delta death rates in vaccinated vs unvaccinated
    3689 received 2 doses – no deaths (I think)
    52,846 unvaccinated – 6 deaths


    Over 50s Delta death rates in vaccinated vs unvaccinated
    3546 people received 2 doses (how long after second dose unknown) – 50 deaths
    976 people were unvaccinated – 38 deaths

    I'm not sure what it all means (a bit over my head) but just in case you hadn't seen it yet.

    Edited: basic typos
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
    Michelle, Barry, Mij and 3 others like this.
  15. Peter Trewhitt

    Peter Trewhitt Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you for this link. So the government is not suppressing these figures, it is just they are not being widely reported.

    It looks like in the UK now more vaccinated people in the over 50s are dying from the Delta variant than the unvaccinated.

    The figure I cited above for some vaccines only being 65% effective with the Delta variant looks like an over simplification (see ). And for many it may not be as bad as the 65% figure might suggest, but still vaccines are less effective against this variant and no vaccine is 100% effective.

    [added - another more accessible link relating to the effectiveness of vaccines against the Delta variant ]
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
  16. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There are now very few over fifties who aren't vaccinated (less than 1%in Scotland) so if anyone over fifty dies the chances are that they were vaccinated. So it is statistical rather than to do with the vaccine. It has always been known that the vaccine is not 100% effective. (This figure is being used by antivaxxers to make it look like the vaccine makes you more likely to die)

    The important figure is how likely you were to die over fifty before vaccination.

    The Scottish situation shows that the vaccines are working but the sheer numbers infected are beginning to bring the hospitals to their knees.

    It is very worrying that the papers and the BBC are colluding with the UK government to play down all risks and make out the vaccine has made everything go away and normality is resumed. Especially as I think it is being done to try to persuade the population to go back to normal behaviour. Even when the numbers dropped very low in the Spring the shops were not very full. It does not suit business to have all nightclubs open but no one going.

    Downplaying longcovid is just part of the same spin.

    They are getting away with it because the numbers are low in the South but while it is being reported that Scotland has the highest numbers in Europe it is not so well publicised that the North West of England and Yorkshire are up there too.

    The epidemic has been conquered HERE with just a few problem THERE which don't count.

    Definitely going for herd immunity.
  17. ringding

    ringding Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Bristol, UK
    I agree, transparency with these sorts of things feels like the best route.

    I definitely didn't have saline last night, I feel like I've been hit by a truck!
  18. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There is a "Remove formatting" button on the right side, labeled "Tx". This usually takes care of most of those.

    Alternatively some browsers have the option to paste without the formatting, just like in Word.
  19. Peter

    Peter Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That’s good.

    First, I do believe the statement “greater immune response after jab two are common for “normal healthy” people», to be something like a main rule and a valid description. But it also seems to be experiences in many directions, both for the “normal healthy” and among others. The immune system surely is complex.

    It awakens curiosity when experiencing the opposite of the normal reaction, but then again, maybe it should come as no surprise at all, given that a lot points in the direction of a messed up immune system. So things that impact a “broken” immune system, could logically maybe turn things upside down from the normal reaction, meaning that some of us experience a greater immune response first jab, close to none the second? That’s the case for some of us, and surely also experiences the other way around for other patients.

    And I’ll stop there. Knowing that I have limited knowledge of the immune system and no reason to speculate at this or that. But curious, yes! Can it point in any direction at all, working to much, to little or what?

    Personally just very pleased with no adversity connected to jab two and hoping for the 90 something effectiveness. And wishing a speedy recovery back to baseline for the ones with opposite experiences
  20. Revel

    Revel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Same here, @ukxmrv.

    Recovery from the transient paralysis, caused by the AZ vaccination, has stalled. Struggling with basic self care, the fatigue and muscle pain is unrelenting with no sign of improvement in sight. Life has been very much horizontal these past 4 months.

    I hope you turn the corner soon, @ukxmrv.

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