Denmark: Analysis and comments to Karina Hansen's journal from when she was sectioned at Hammel Neurocenter

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Kalliope, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Many will remember the horrible Karina Hansen case from Denmark. A young woman with severe ME who got sectioned and taken from her family's care to undergo treatment from psychiatrists Per Fink and Nils Balle Christensen. They believed she suffered from functional disorder. Her family was not allowed to see her for over three years. The story has been told in among other Unrest. (Karina is now back home with her family).

    Her GP Stig Gerdes reduced her medications when becoming her doctor after she finally left institutional care. This led to him losing his licence to practice as doctor.

    Stig Gerdes and patient advocate Bente Stenfalk have gotten access to Karina's journal from the institution Hammel Neurocenter. It's over 1.000 pages.

    They have written a summary in Danish and have permission from Karina Hansen to share it publicly. They have done so in an open Facebook group called Karina-sagen (The Karina case).

    It's heart breaking to read what Karina was put through.

    Here is a google translation of the summary. This is shared with permission from Bente Stenfalk. I've made some minor adjustments to the translation for clarity. Am a bit foggy headed, so it's far from perfect, but please feel free to tag me and ask if something is unclear.

    (ETA: The summary is quite big, so has been divided into the first three posts in this thread)

    Analysis and comments on journal from Hammel Neurocenter

    We have been allowed to read Karina Hansen's journal from Hammel Neurocenter (12/2 2013 - 27/8 2014) and to distribute our analyzes and comments + a summary.

    Stig Gerdes and Bente Stenfalk


    Regarding forced hospitalization and misdiagnosis, by Stig Gerdes

    The journal shows the following:

    December 12, 2013: The reason for the admission is that the diagnosis is unclear. According to the Functional Disorders Research Clinic, it is similar to functional disorders and the patient is transferred to Hammel Neurocenter for further assesment and treatment.

    Upon admission, the inpatient physician's examination of Karina Hansen showed that she was relatively unaffected, and moved freely in bed. There is eye contact and she responded to being spoken to. There are signs of anemia. There are no bed sore or anything immediately noticeable.
    Blood tests at hospitalization show nothing acute, there's light deficiency due to iron deficiency and slightly reduced albumin.

    These journal notes describe a relatively unaffected patient, which does not warrant forced entry, forced detention, forced treatment, forced medication, and refusing contact with family and friends for 3 years and 8 months.

    Karina's diagnosis was ME (myalgic enchephalomyelitis) determined by 2 hospitals and 3-4 competent doctors and she was receiving correct treatment for an ME patient in her parents' home. Therefore, there was no reason why Holstebro municipality or the Research Clinic interfered in the case. Karina was not dirty and unwashed as the Research Clinic claimed, and she also wore clean clothes and was in clean bedding on the day of hospitalization on 12/2 13 according to her parents. Her language was also intact.

    Per Fink's statement in "The Psychiatry's Dilemma" at the DR (TV documentary)i, that Karina Hansen was in very poor state and that it was reflected in the blood tests, is directly untrue. Had Karina been as ill as Per Fink stated, she should have been in an intensive care unit and not a neurocenter.

    Karina Hansen should never have been hospitalized, and not at all forcibly, there was nothing that justified it !!!

    Furthermore, the record confirms that Karina's mother Ketty does not have Münchausen by Proxy. By also giving Ketty a misdiagnosis, the Research Clinic shows what a substandard and wrong diagnosis system they are using.

    Finally, I would like to express my surprise that the Research Clinic, with the blessing of the health authorities, has treated Karina Hansen so scandalously. It should get consequences.

    There is no doubt that Karina's forced admission was an experiment for the Research Clinic to prove that their diagnosis and treatment are sublime. This failed to the same extent that all previous experiments world wide failed!

    I will refer further to Bente Stenfalk's analyzes and comments below.

    Stig Gerdes

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    ahimsa, Alison Orr, Louie41 and 30 others like this.
  2. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Karina Hansen's forced hospitalization and treatment at the Hammel Neurocenter
    By Bente Stenfalk and shared with permission by Karina Hansen

    12.2.13, Quote from the admission journal from Hammel Neurocenter:
    “The initial triggering cause may be related to mononucleosis, but this is uncertain.
    Along the way, patient has been examined for various medical conditions without one being able to give a specific diagnosis. Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME has been considered, but overall the diagnosis code has been uncertain. It's more and more developed into a unified picture where functional disorder is suspected. This is the background for moving the patient to Hammel Neurocenter for further assesment and treatment for this condition. "

    In other words, Karina Hansen has been sectioned based on "considerations" and "suspicions" about functional disorders. Her original diagnosis has been called into question, even though it was given by leading specialists from home and abroad, and as far as mononucleosis is concerned, antibodies can be measured in the blood with certainty, even long after the disease, and there must also be journal notes about it, from when it was ascertained.

    3 years and 8 months being sectioned based on indications and not reading the journal. This overturns my faith to the legal system.

    Per Fink stated on DR TV on 20.5.19 in the programme "The Psychiatry's Dilemma" that 3 years and 8 months after hospitalization, one still doesn't know what Karina Hansen suffers from …
    Furthermore, the journal says on the day of admission from Hammel Neurocenter: quote: Karina Hansen ”currently seems relatively unaffected, she moves freely in bed. There is eye contact. She responds to being spoken to. There are signs of anemia, but otherwise nothing immediately noticeable. ”…” She has no signs of bed sores despite staying much in bed, but she is good at turning herself around”

    Where is the reason for the forced hospitalization?

    Karina Hansen's treatment at the Hammel Neurocenter, from journal notes
    The daily treatment/exercise was to push K a little further than she felt she could handle. Coercion was also used. If K didn't do what was demanded, the exercise still got carried out by several people 'helping' K over to the exercise bench, and only if Karina Hansen broke down completely, the exercise was cut short or skipped for a day, only to be resumed the next day in order not to 'break the good routine'. Many times Karina Hansen resigned and did what was demanded while crying.

    Daily treatment: bath, tilting while counting up to a certain number, massage, stretching of muscles and tendons, visualization exercises, breathing exercises, standing in a support chair, ball blanket exercises, ball exercises, balloon exercises and pool exercises , all in order to strengthen her body, and everything done for a little longer than K could hold, which is why K often broke down crying several times a day.

    If K didn't want to attend the exercise, but rather stay in bed, the duvet was removed and the headboard raised. If K didn't show up to treatment, she was told that some of the staff would come and physically move her to an exercise or bathing bench.

    K was supposed to eat sitting and up, and should as a minimum fetch her own food from a table far from the bed. If she didn't pick it up or she didn't want to get up, the food got removed. (However, this was sometimes relaxed out of fear of K losing weight. If K subsequently became too unhappy and insisted on staying in bed, she was sometimes allowed to eat in bed).

    K had to sit in a wheelchair and take part in cooking and cleaning in the kitchen, or lie in bed in the kitchen and watch the food being made.
    K was to take part in the change of bedding, laundry and hanging up and folding clothes.

    If K was in her living room, she often had to accept staff sitting there reading magazines, writing on PC, arranging laundry, cooking, blending smoothies, knitting, drinking coffee, talking and making noise (deliberately, allegedly in order to get K used to it).

    Later, K should eat sitting in the kitchen, living room or ward, often together with staff, even if she'd rather eat alone.

    In addition, every day K had to go to the garden in the bed and later in a wheelchair. K had to drink a juice while in the garden, otherwise they wouldn’t go back in again.
    Sometimes the door to the ward was open, despite the noise of the hallway and despite K reacting to the noise.

    The window was left open, despite the outside noise, which K couldn't stand, and only closed when K asked for it.
    K was sometimes asked to take the earplugs out, even though she would rather keep them in.

    Some of the most transboundary K was exposed to, was when K was exposed daily to people (Nils Balle Christensen and the staff) who thought she wasn't speaking intentionally and that she could just start talking, if she wanted to. In this situation, empathy were lacking in the staff, who often seemed annoyed that K didn't open up to them through speech.

    Again and again, K was encouraged to talk about her thoughts and feelings, thinking it would help her, but K never did.

    When Nils Balle Christensen became too overbearing, not only did K turn her back to him (which she always did when he arrived), she also occasionally put her fingers in her ears.

    K was pushed daily beyond her boundaries, allegedly to accustom her to ordinary life. It was believed that they could make her well by forcing her beyond her comfort zone. K cried and sobbed daily, and when that happened, the staff was supposed to stay with her, even if K asked to be alone or said OUT.

    Sometimes K said she would like to go home, but it was ignored, even AFTER it was pointed out by Nils Balle Christensen at a meeting on 7.5.14 that K was there voluntarily, but apparently this was something K was never told, and she got no help in this matter.

    When K said she wanted to go home, K was explained that she was lucky to be there, because they had the resources to make her well. Occasionally, K said in despair that they might as well kill her. Occasionally she asked for the staff to kill her ...

    When K responded by acting out and asked to be alone, the staff should say: I don't feel like leaving you as long as you feel like this! And then they stayed in the ward for ½ to 1 hour afterwards.

    Despite good eye contact, and although K was able to respond to being spoken to, she was constantly deemed unfit by Nils Balle Christensen, who also persistently believed that contact with the family would be detrimental to the treatment.

    K was prevented on daily basis from going to bed when she wanted to. If she was in the garden in bed or wheelchair, they would not go back in until she had finished her juice. When exercising, the exercise would always be kept a little longer, for instance by talking a little slower. When the TV was turned on, the time was dragged a little longer than what K would prefer before it was turned off again. When K had finished eating, she would often have to eat some more or stay a little longer sitting in the chair. All allegedly in order to train K for ordinary life.

    K often had to pick up drinks in a wheelchair from a refrigerator far from the ward, but often K wasn’t able to and resisted. Sometimes she was pushed down there in the wheelchair by the staff, or a sympathetic nurse assistant would bring it to her if K wasn’t at all able to.

    K chose not to take iron tablets because she had experienced her stomach not tolerating them. Despite the fact that some of the staff had promised not to fool her, they still tried to hide iron drops in for instance cola or pouring them on top of her porridge, which was unsuccessful. (iron drops doesn't taste good)

    When K chose not to take vitamin D, they put drops on her rye bread.

    But both treatments had to be given up in the end, as they caused too many conflicts in K's relationship with the staff. Instead the diet was changed, so that K could get iron and vitamin D, which was a much better solution and something one could have initiated much earlier.

    K weighed about 55 kg throughout the stay, slightly below and slightly above. K lost weight at some point during her stay at the Hammel Neurocenter, and was given a so-called wish diet. She was then allowed to buy ice cream, chips and cola herself on the later accompanying tours to the city in wheelchair.

    She also got daily for instance pizza, burger buns and pita bread for evening meal, and bags of chips, cola, ice cream, desserts, biscuits, cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate and popcorn …

    K was exposed to many well-meaning caregivers, all of whom did what Nils Balle Christensen demanded of them, but fortunately they didn't do it very persistently. If you read the 1000-page journal, a picture of more or less compassionate and more or less zealous caregivers appears, and you can clearly see that some of them were gentle with K, while others provoked several bad situations and experiences, and to them, K spoke up far more often.

    Karina Hansen's reaction to the treatment

    K has a strong personality when she managed to hold onto who she is every day, despite illness and exhausting treatment and massive 'persuasion' attempts by the staff and Nils Balle Christensen to make her believe she was suffering of functional disorder and not of ME, and that they could make her well if she did what they said.

    K mostly did what was demanded of her, but she spoke up from time to time when it all became too tiring and she "won" many of her small “battles" against the treatment during her stay by speaking clearly up.

    Society has failed miserably in this awful case. How can one believe that a young intelligent woman who has completed 1st grade will just 'surrender' to her 'abductor' and trust him, as Nils Balle Christensen imagined? At no time did K fall for the Stockholm Syndrome, the mental state in which prisoners or victims of a kidnapping develop affiliation with their guardians.

    The physician who sections a patient shouldn't also be the attending physician.
    A physician should not be responsible for both hospitalization and treatment, for such a physician will be tempted to produce wrong claims about the patient, in order to legitimize his decision of hospitalization.

    This is also seen in this case, where K in these psychiatrists' self-understanding is "poised" more ill, malnourished and un-nurtured than she was. The family, especially the mother, also ‘pose' ill and is responsible for her daughter's illness without prior reasonable investigation and assesment.

    Psychiatrist Per Fink, psychiatrist Nils Balle Christensen and the Research Clinic for Functional Disorders had interests in curing an ME patient. Just a few months before the forced hospitalization they opened an ME-Knowledge Center where they wanted to present a success story. (To my knowledge, this center still has not produced anything that has been published 7 years after opening)

    The whole process is completely condemnable and steeped in power abuse, which we cannot stand for in front of an adult ill citizen who herself had decided where she wanted to be.

    New and impartial doctors should be included in such cases. The patient should be re-examined and measures other than forced admission should be tried first.
    rainy, Sid, TiredSam and 28 others like this.
  3. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Did K get well from the stay? Unfortunately not. It is possible that the exercise made K stronger, but unfortunately you can not go back in time and compare with a condition without exercise or other measures. When asked, K didn't think her stay had made her stronger.

    Graded exercise did more harm than good, pushing K further on a daily basi, and thus it became a kind of (well-meaning?) mental and physical torture.

    As the Term model states: "The doctor must be stoic towards the patient's complaints" ... and that was true in K's case ...

    K could do a great deal when she came to the hospital, for instance she spoke, and she could get up and get her food. On that basis, one could surely have reached just as far by volunteer treatment and with less psychologically and physically intervening methods ...

    A crime was committed against K as she was forcibly sectioned on emergency law provisions without anyone first having secured important knowledge about her condition.

    K's sectioning should have been taken to a judge within 5 days, but that didn’t happen.

    On 7.5.14, it was pointed out at a meeting at Hammel Neurocenter that K's stay was voluntary.

    It is not clear from the record when the forced hospitalization was abolished and on whose initiative it happened.

    Nor does it appear from the medical record that K and the family were ever told that staying at Hammel Neurocenter at some time had become voluntary or when and why it happened.

    It is a crime to let a sick citizen stay hospitalised without telling her she could go home if she wanted to, especially when K actually had asked to come home many, many times. K should have been actively helped to go back home.

    The stay and medications at the residence Tagdekkerervej could have been avoided if K and the family had been informed that the stay also there was voluntary.

    Imagine what these involuntary hospital stays and residences have cost Karina Hansen, the family and the community…

    Psychiatrist Nils Balle Christensen''s journal note on the mother of Karina Hansen

    9.9.13. Nils Balle Christensen has written a 2 page long journal note in K's journal about K's mother, which is a long legitimation of the forced admission, and the note is yet another example that the doctor behind the admission shouldn’t also be the treating doctor.

    The most important information in this journal note, quote:
    “Pervasive Refusal Syndrome is often seen as developing in response to violent abuse or unbearable and uncontrollable situations. Based on the observed behavior of the mother, this seems to be able to explain the condition to the patient ”.

    This is a total disclaimer of responsibility of K's forced hospitalization and diagnosis. NBC believes that the mother has exposed K to these "abusive or unbearable and uncontrollable situations", but the quote strikes NBC himself as a boomerang, as the same can be said of the treatment K received at the Hammel Neurocenter, where the forced admission was an extreme abuse, and the daily forced exercise sessions and many other activities at Hammel Neurocenter that K could not escape are the same as "unbearable and (for K) uncontrollable situations" and the whole quote should be seen as the 'story' that NBC builds around the mother to legitimize the coercion of which he himself was guilty, and which was a violent assault that should never have occurred.

    NBC further writes, quote:
    “Psychologically, it is considered that the patient may have been manipulated into the mother's imaginary world or rather: the patient has withdrawn into herself as she has not been able to resist the mother's very strong faith and will ”

    This is yet another disclaimer of responsibility on the part of NBC and another attempt to explain forced hospitalization and the PAWS diagnosis, to not having arised during his regime.

    NBC also claims that the mother has banned the father from seeing K for 2½ years before being admitted to the Hammel Neurocenter. This claim doesn’t concur with the family patterns Stig Gerdes, psychiatrist Mogens Undén and I have seen, and which the TV programme “The Psychiatry's dilemma” also showed of the helpful and loving father who takes care of K.

    NBC ends with quote:
    “Münchhausen by Proxy is a very serious condition that could have resulted in the death of the patient if the intervention had not been made. This raises concerns for the future, and measures must be taken to prevent the mother from coming close to the patient for a very long time. These considerations will be taken up by the guardian at the forthcoming conversation with him. "

    Once again, the forced hospitalization and NBC's persistent efforts to keep mother and daughter separate are legitimized. The guardian is informed/instructed in these considerations, and it is in this light the guardian's lack of understanding and assistance to K must be seen.

    That a psychiatrist can gain so much power over defenceless people is in itself abuse, and that it can be done without obtaining a second opinion from other doctors/psychiatrists in forced admissions shouldn’t happen. This should be legislated in the health care system so that similar abuse can be avoided in future.

    Bente Stenfalk
    rainy, Ellie_Finesse, Sid and 29 others like this.
  4. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    For some reason I could not embed the link to the original Danish post on Facebook. Am trying again:

    ETA: Perhaps it's just a temporary glitch, will try again later. But the original Danish text was shared on the public Facebook group "Karina-sagen".

    <iframe src="" width="500" height="433" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    Louie41, CarolB, ladycatlover and 7 others like this.
  5. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Can you put it in a code box? Click the Insert button, select Code, and then paste the link in the box that appears, that might be a way to do it?
  6. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks for the suggestion, but no, that didn't seem to work either..
  7. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh the irony. It sounds like these psychiatrists are victims of their false beliefs.

    Psychiatrists with false beliefs suffer from a very serious condition which can cause the death of patients. They must be kept away from patients.
  8. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Is this it?

    The code box is used to post a link without the forum's software 'helpfully' converting it into something else, typically so that people can cut and paste it.
  9. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes! That's the correct link. Thank you! Now at least people have access to it :)
  10. Denise

    Denise Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I "knew" Karina had been horribly mistreated but reading this is so difficult.
    (Can't begin to imagine going through it as she did. These people have no clue how strong she is to have endured this even though it further wrecked her.)
    People who treat their pets this way would be prosecuted, but people treating patients with ME don't even get a slap on the wrist.

    ETA @Kalliope thank you for posting this.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    rainy, JaneL, Louie41 and 23 others like this.
  11. lycaena

    lycaena Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Karina was a competent adult, she wasn't a threat to herself or others, she wasn't neglected
    In this case it doesn't even seem important which diagnosis she had, there was absolutely no justification to forcebly remove her from her home
    It is outrageous what happened to her and it seems so very illegal :(
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    rainy, JaneL, Louie41 and 22 others like this.
  12. feeb

    feeb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Monstrous. These people are a danger to the public.
    rainy, Sid, JaneL and 27 others like this.
  13. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    These geniuses then put her into an abusive, unbearable and uncontrollable situation for three years.

    These psychiatrists are like a caricature of a crazy psychoanalyst, with police powers.
    rainy, Sid, JaneL and 29 others like this.
  14. ScottTriGuy

    ScottTriGuy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Worth repeating:

    JaneL, Alison Orr, Louie41 and 20 others like this.
  15. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    And here we have Gigi facing the same fate.
    JaneL, Alison Orr, Louie41 and 18 others like this.
  16. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The physicians involved in this, Fink and Christensen, need to lose their medical licenses yesterday and face criminal charges for coercive abduction. The institutions who approved of this should be entirely defunded and the already-allocated funds given to Hansen's family as compensation for the horror she was subjected to.

    There also needs to be investigations to make sure this abuse of power never happens again and that oversight be strongly heightened about what is permissible. There was not a single reason for this and it clearly amounts to torture and violation of basic human rights. Coercive detention is a serious criminal offense.

    Absolutely. This is criminal and the physicians who signed on this were clearly experimenting on Karina against explicit rejection of consent by a sane and lucid person and against the wishes of her family. Every medical professional involved need to lose their medical license with extreme prejudice.

    This is a clear violation of informed consent. Karina was not allowed to leave. That means her detention was coercive. This cannot be justified after the fact by clearly lying when she was denied her explicit requests to leave. Lying on official documents only make it clear that the situation was indefensible.

    What the actual F? Being a licensed physician does not give the right to just lob false accusations of child endangerment on a whim. This is libelous. By that very definition what they did was far worse and on their own criteria should face serious criminal charges.

    Medicine cannot be tyrannical this way. It is exactly the worst way to go about things, using coercive and punitive methods to do medical experiments on a patient that explicitly rejected consent. There better be millions in damages and very public excuses for this nightmare.

    Shame on the amoral monsters who allowed this. They not only bring shame to their profession but to all of humanity as well.
    JaneL, Alison Orr, Louie41 and 32 others like this.
  17. Snowdrop

    Snowdrop Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I hope this is pursued and soon and that there is change for the better.

    The story made for horrific reading. It was de facto torture and redress could as legitimately be pursued on those grounds. The system has failed spectacularly here and a young woman has suffered greatly.
    rainy, JaneL, Alison Orr and 22 others like this.
  18. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    Apparently it can. :grumpy:
  19. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Here follows a continuation of the analysis and comments to Karina Hansen's journal by Stig Gerdes (her previous doctor) and patient advocate Bente Stenfalk. It is shared with permission.

    Most of it is google translated, with some minor adjustment, but I hope it's understandable.

    In Denmark they have a red and a yellow code for when sectioning a patient which is referred to in the text. Red sectioning is based on indication of danger for the patient or others. Yellow sectioning is used when the doctor doesn't consider the patients as dangerous, but that the prospects of recovering would otherwise be greatly reduced (Source: Wikipedia).

    Karina Hansen's treatment at the residence Tagdekkerervej in Hammel

    Karina Hansen, (K) stayed at the institution Tagdekkerervej in Hammel from 28.8.2014-17.10.2016

    This text focuses primarily on the medical treatment of K, which started at Tagdekkerervej.
    K's patient course at the institution Tagdekkerervej is unfortunately a striking example of how and why young people are exposed to drug poisoning and abuse in the country's institutions.

    It is important to know that K per 7.5.14 is no longer sectioned according to journal note by psychiatrist Nils Balle Christensen (NBC). This was not communicated to K or her family.

    Until 23.11.15, K received no psychiatric medication, but that day NBC thinks that K should be hospitalized with yellow sectioning because she is throwing things, strikes after staff and beats herself.

    25.11.15, a GP rejects yellow sectioning, but in consultation with NBC, T.Quietiapine is prescribed 25 mg at night and 25 mg pn (as needed)

    8.3.16, K is increasingly acting out. She leaves the residence and is brought back by the police. T. Quietiapine is increased from 25 mg to 100 mg.

    22.3.16 K destroys things in her room and will not take T. Quietiapine 100 mg. NBC instead suggests T. Mirtazapine 30 mg each night. The following weeks, K is acting out and self-harming, and it's difficult to determine how much medication she is taking.

    5.4.16, the nursing staff is divided with regard to K's treatment. NBC refers to Risskov's psychiatric ward where it states among other things:
    “There is nothing to substantiate the ME diagnosis, however, she meets the PAWS diagnosis, possibly borderline with micropsychoses and/or PTSD-like reactions. She has been able to walk with physiotherapy training. "
    "The case is complicated, and the staff at Tagdekkerervej don't feel competent to continue the treatment under my guidance. Therefore, an investigation and possibly medical treatment proposal is desired in order to continue working with her."

    14.6.16, work is underway to find another institution. K is seen by psychiatrists from Risskov psychiatric ward who consider that admission of K is not necessary. T. Quietiapine is increased to 100 mg x 2 and 50 mg p.n. max. x 3.

    17.6.16 NBC suspends T. Quietiapine due to suspected paradox effect and prescribes T. Truxal 15 mg x 3 and continued T. Mirtazapine 30 mg each night.

    20.6.16 K is admitted to Risskov psychiatric ward red sectioning due to psychosis.

    1.7.16 K returns to the Tagdækkervej with the following medicines: T. Olanzapine 5 mg at 8 + 14 and 10 mg at 22, T. Hexalide 5 mg p.n, up to x 4, T. Mirtazapine 30 mg per night. It is recommended that the medication be reduced as soon as possible or discontinued completely.

    12.7.16 according to the doctor on call: K is tortured and probably psychotic, but cannot be sectioned.

    10.8.16 K is very mentally ill and acting out, not taken medication for dinner. Relaxes again when she gets medicine.

    26.8.16 The acute psychosis unit (APE) want to finish their treatment of K, which the employees at Tagdekkerervej oppose.

    15.9.16, medicine: T. Olanzapine 5 mg at 17 + 15 mg at 22 and 5 mg pn, T. Mirtazapine 30 mg at night, T. Oxapam 15 mg p.n.

    7.9, 14.9, 21.9, and 12.10. the parents visited K.

    15.9. after the parents' second visit, T. olanzapine was increased to 20 mg at 22 and on 27.9. there was a meeting with Holstebro Municipality.

    17.10.16 K takes a week's vacation with the parents, and on 23.10.16 K doesn’t want to return to Tagdekkerervej as was agreed.

    23.10.16, Doctor Stig Gerdes takes over the treatment of K and the medicine is reduced to T. Olanzapine 15 mg per night and T. Mirtazapine to 15 mg.

    29.10.16 Stig Gerdes on home visit to K and T. Olanzapine is reduced to 12.5 mg.

    4.11.16, T. Olanzapine 10 mg. K has hypothyroidism and is started with T. Eutyrox 100 mg 1/2 x 2.

    Psychiatrist Mogens Undén took over the treatment of K in the spring of 2017, and until now it has not been succeeded to discontinue T. Olanzapin and T. Mirtazapin

    Ks treatment at the institution Tagdekkerervej does not differ from the treatment at other places. She is put down, subjected to abuse, poisoned with psychoactive drugs and sent to another place when she is no longer able to cope.
    NBC abandoned treating K in the spring of 2016, referring to Risskov Psychiatric Department and to another place of institution, for which he wrote: "The matter is complicated and the staff at Tagdekkerervej did not feel competent to continue treatment under my guidance"

    Stig Gerdes and Bente Stenfalk


    Original text in Danish
  20. feeb

    feeb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    My god, this is harrowing. Poor Karina.
    Ellie_Finesse, JaneL, Joh and 11 others like this.

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