Denmark: Analysis and comments to Karina Hansen's journal from when she was sectioned at Hammel Neurocenter

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Kalliope, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Snow Leopard

    Snow Leopard Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So they have to drug her so that she can cope with the distress that they are causing her? FFS
    rainy, ukxmrv, JaneL and 14 others like this.
  2. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What a poor girl. It must have been a nightmare. I'm not surprised she broke down in the end. There is only so much daily torture in the form of forced exercise that one can handle.

    PACE is of used to justify this kind of nonsense as it is cited as evidence that rehabilitation is possible.
    rainy, JaneL, Louie41 and 10 others like this.
  3. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    There are no words to describe how cruel these bastards are. :mad::mad::mad:
    rainy, JaneL, Louie41 and 11 others like this.
  4. MEMarge

    MEMarge Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So, Per Fink who ?initiated the unlawful sectioning was invited to talk at this year's BACME conference in March, when Dr Gabrielle Murphy was Chair.

    and ... NICE wonders why we are "concerned" about her and other members of BACME, being on the Guideline Development Committee.

    NB I cannot easily access the 2019 Conference agenda via Google atm. Will post link to S4ME thread when I find it.

    ETA: Summary of BACME conference here, #6

    I think that GM may have been replaced as chair prior to the conference. Libuse Ratcliffe is noted as Chair of BACME as in attendance at theCMRC meeting per minutes on 8 Nov 2018
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    TiredSam, JaneL, Louie41 and 12 others like this.
  5. Philipp

    Philipp Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think it is very interesting that those people always find a way to exactly describe what monstrous thing they are doing, but ascribe it to either their immediate victim or some part of a victim's support/coping system. I guess it is an attempt at not feeling like a monster when in fact, you very much are one. Which implies that a part of them knows what they are doing. And they keep on doing it.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
    Leila, JaneL, Louie41 and 10 others like this.
  6. Tom Kindlon

    Tom Kindlon Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  7. Tilly

    Tilly Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Thank you so much for sharing this. I was wondering if any of the information can be used?

    In the UK there has been a young lady called Gigi who has been battling to stay out of secure Mental unit or out of a hospital that agrees with keeping severe ME patients active beyond their ability to cope.

    We hope that Gigi will be released from hospital and back to her family home shortly and as soon as everything for her care is put into place.

    I have written on Gigi behalf complaints about how the family have been treated (especially the mum) and how they have handled Gigi's care against her wishes.

    I would like to quote from this information on a more general note also. Before I stepped in to help Gigi I already put in a complaint to the Family Courts, GMC, NICE, Ombudsman and minister for Disability with a view to send this all to the children's commissioner.

    It is deeply distressing how many young people are in this position and never are heard of and I think we have to change the ability of those in power to be able to hide them and hide behind mental health.

    I am full of admiration for Karena and Gigi and all those who went before, what we loose through this folly is criminal.

    Moderator note:
    This post has been copied an subsequent posts moved to a new thread:
    UK: Problems faced by young people with very severe ME and their families
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2019
  8. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yes. As far as I understand the wish is to spread this information far and wide.
    Annamaria and MEMarge like this.
  9. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The local Danish newspaper Fredericia Avisen has two articles today about the court case concerning Stig Gerdes' licence to practice as doctor. He lost it when he became Karina Hansen's doctor after she had returned to her family because he reduced the medications she'd been put on.

    Karina Hansens far: "Stig skal frifindes, alt andet er absurd"
    google translation: Karina Hansen's father: "Stig must be acquitted. Anything else is absurd"

    What is it like to see and feel that your daughter's doctor is in court today?
    - “It's absolutely awful. If anything he's someone who has helped our daughter. It can't be right that when you want to help people, you'll get punished just for saying your opinion once in a while ”

    dr. Mogens Unden om Stig Gerdes sagen: Det er vanvittigt. Ren Monty Python!
    google translation: dr. Mogens Unden about the Stig Gerdes case: It's crazy. It's like Monty Python!

    What do you think of the Karina case, is she treated correctly in your opinion?
    -“In no way has she been treated correctly in the course I know of, but Stig Gerdes has done everything according to the book in his treatment. I am therefore completely at loss of why he lost the licence, "Mogens Unden says, and concludes:

    “I believe and hope he gets acquitted. If he is deprived of the right to be a doctor, all clinically relevant rules on how to act as a doctor will be violated if he is convicted or detained on this basis. It's so grotesque that it should be included in Monty Python's circus the next time it's aired. "
  10. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Seems there were two more articles today, four in total

    En halv million i juridiske omkostninger
    google translation: half a million in legal costs
    The criticism from Gerdes in his various statements about HPV, job centers and psychiatry was not always well received. Some of the doctors he has criticized consider him a derelict doctor. In the files of Stig Gerdes it can be read that some have asked the authorities to withdraw his authorization. But it is also the conditions that have been for Gerdes to defend himself that make him angry:

    “The authorities have endless resources for this trial. They use the chamber attorney. So far, I have spent over £ 400,000 on my legal defense, and I think we will reach half a million before the first hearing. Such is the legal certainty of a doctor in this country. They take your authorization temporarily. Then you have to close your practice. It costs a fortune. Then you have to scrape the money together for your defense while the case is dragging along. Before a court decision has ever been made, the damage is already so great that it is impossible to recover what you have lost. "

    Gerdes fremlagde sin sag i retten: Jeg vil frifindes
    google translation: Gerdes presented his case in court: I want to be acquitted

    How do you think the hearing has gone today?
    - “It's hard to assess. The Attorney General adheres to what the Forensic Council has said, which means that the Forensic Council is the board, and if those arguments are the way it is difficult, but I do not think they have anything to come by. Time shows that I have improved her (Karina Hansen's) state. As a physician, it is the primary thing for me - namely that the patient gets better, then the rules are secondary to me,
    Annamaria, MEMarge, ahimsa and 12 others like this.
  11. Sid

    Sid Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Incredibly difficult read. What a monstrous Kafkaesque situation.
    Annamaria, MEMarge, Saz94 and 4 others like this.
  12. Louie41

    Louie41 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    upper Midwest US
    Unbelievable! Except that it's true! :eek::bawling::mad::cry::thumbsdown::arghh:
  13. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Unfortunately, Stig Gerdes lost the case. He's still not allowed to practice as a doctor. He says to the local newspaper:
    - But I'm ready to fight till the end. The assault towards me and Karina can't be allowed. I will appeal.

    Fredericia Dagblad
    Gerdes-advokat: Man klipper pladerne på en ældre læge, som ellers ikke har væltet sig i klager

    It was not possible to google translate the article
    inox, Simbindi, andypants and 13 others like this.
  14. ladycatlover

    ladycatlover Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Liverpool, UK
    So very sad and appalled to hear this news. All we can hope for is that he wins Appeal. Will be thinking of Stig Gerdes over the next weeks and months, and sending all good wishes to him from Wales, and from Liverpool when I go home later this month. This was a travesty of justice.
    inox, Simbindi, Willow and 14 others like this.
  15. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So the position of the medical board is that:
    1. It's OK and good to detain a very ill person against their will, without a valid reason, and perform untested medical experiments on them against explicit objection in a way that deliberately inflicts suffering based on a belief that the suffering is a valid treatment
    2. It is not OK to object to that forced detainment, to the point where intervening will lead to a loss of medical license
    Which, summed up, means:
    1. It's OK to harm vulnerable sick people in violation of informed consent
    2. It is not OK to stop that harm
    OK, then. Not quite how most people think medicine should operate.
    rainy, inox, ScottTriGuy and 8 others like this.
  16. feeb

    feeb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Awful news. Really sends a message to people with ME that even if your doctor can be trusted, the health authority certainly can't. And of course it sends a message to the BPS crowd that their abuses of vulnerable patients are just fine and dandy.

    I hope his appeal goes well.
    inox, Amw66, Simbindi and 11 others like this.
  17. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Stig Gerdes is appealing and taking his case to the High Court. The lawyer thinks it might take a year before it starts.

    The local newspaper Fredericia Dagblad has a short article about the appeal:
    Stig Gerdes reduced Karina Hansen's medicine without consulting her guardian, a treatment which has been continued also after Gerdes is no longer her doctor. According to lawyer Anders Qvistgaard, the district court didn't consider whether the treatment of the young woman had worked.

    Fredericia Dagblad: Stig Gerdes tabte retssag: Nu anker han til landretten
    google translation not possible.
    inox, Annamaria, rvallee and 6 others like this.
  18. chrisb

    chrisb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I don't suppose the courts will look too closely at their role in the appointment of the guardian.
    inox, Annamaria, rvallee and 3 others like this.
  19. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Former doctor Stig Gerdes appeals his case to the national court. But it has long prospects for a decision, his lawyer says.

    Fredericia: Former doctor Stig Gerdes appeals the verdict in his lawsuit against the Danish Agency for Patient Safety.

    On September 30, he was told he had lost the lawsuit, seeking to overturn his authorization suspension.

    Now he has appealed to the High Court. Stig Gerdes wants to be acquitted.

    According to Stig Gerdes 'lawyer Anders Qvistgaard, there are only a few similar cases as Stig Gerdes'.

    - This type of case is rare, says Anders Qvistgaard.

    The grounds of the district court emphasized that Stig Gerdes should have shown gross negligence in her treatment of the young woman Karina Hansen, who is central to the case. It is on this basis that the district court found that it was in order, the Danish Board of Patient Safety deprived Stig Gerdes of his authorization as a doctor.

    Long time to the national court
    Stig Gerdes stepped down Karina Hansen into medicine without consulting her guardian - a treatment that has continued, after Stig Gerdes is no longer her doctor. According to lawyer Anders Qvistgaard, the district court did not consider whether the treatment of the young woman worked.

    - Legally, we have rules that are not bent in neon, and that will be a very technical, theoretical judgment, says Anders Qvistgaaard, who wants to ask more questions to the forensic council.

    However, it may have long prospects for Stig Gerdes and his lawyer to end the case.

    - I don't think we're in the national court until about a year's time, he says.

    - How is Stig Gerdes doing?

    - Stig Gerdes is in good courage. It is hard. He has a hard time accepting that he should have put the woman at risk, explains Anders Qvistgaard.
    andypants, inox, Annamaria and 2 others like this.
  20. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    To Minister of Justice Nick Hekkerup and the Ministry of Justice
    14 Nov 2019
    full blog here
    oldtimer, mango, MEMarge and 2 others like this.

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