Finland: Conference "ME/CFS + Long COVID" (with Systrom, Keller, Rowe and more) Can be streamed 7 October 2022

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Kalliope, Aug 28, 2022.

  1. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The Finnish Association of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy organises a conference in October in Tempere, Finland.

    From the program:

    Friday, October 7, 2022
    Finnish Time (+1 Hour CET/ +3 Hours UTC)

    • 8.30 Registration, Coffee
    • 9.00-9.05 Conference Opening
    • 9.05-9.15 Welcoming, President of FIAOMT Jessica Harju and event coordinator Hanna Markkula
    • 9.15-10.00 Long COVID Patofysiologia ja kliininen kuva, hoitosuositukset, Risto O. Roine (Long COVID Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation, Guidelines, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 10.00-10.35 Long COVID Teho- ja sairaalahoidon jälkitila, keuhko-oireet, PICS, Salla Kattainen (Long COVID Recovery After ICU and Hospitalization, Lung Problems, PICS, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 10.35-10.45 Pause
    • 10.45-11.15 ME/CFS Hyvä käytäntö konsensussuositus, Jorma Komulainen (The Finnish ME/CFS Good Practice Consensus Guideline, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 11.15-12.15 ME/CFS Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation in Bragée Clinic, Björn Bragée
    • 12.15-13.15 Lunch
    • 13.15-13.25 Sponsor presentations
    • 13.25-13.40 Long COVID -potilaiden puheenvuoro, Taija Rutanen (Long COVID, Patients’ Perspective, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 13.40-14.20 Kipumekanismit ja neuropaattinen kipu, Jukka-Pekka Kouri (Pain Mechanisms and Neuropathic Pain, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 14.20-14.50 A Multidisciplinary NHS COVID-19 Service to Manage Post-COVID-19 Syndrome in the Community, Manoj Sivan
    • 14.50-15.10 Coffee
    • 15.10-15.50 ME/CFS Diagnosis and Management In Young People, Peter Rowe
    • 15.50-16.10 Omaishoitajan puheenvuoro, vaikea ME/CFS, Lars Hassel (Carer’s Perspective, Severe ME/CFS, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 16.10-16.45 Caring for Severe ME/CFS Patients, Including the Example of Røysumtunet, Ola D. Saugstad
    • 16.45-17.00 Questions, Closing Speech. Hanna Markkula and Jessica Harju

    Saturday, October 8, 2022
    Finnish Time (+1 Hour CET/ +3 Hours UTC)

    • 8.30-9.00 Registration
    • 9.00-9.10 Welcoming, President of FIAOMT Jessica Harju and event coordinator Hanna Markkula
    • 9.10-9.30 Call for Action: Health services in the European Region must adopt integrated care models to manage Post-Covid-19 Condition, Satish Mishra
    • 9.30-10.10 Dysautonomia and Exercise Intolerance in ME/CFS and Long COVID, David M. Systrom
    • 10.10-10.35 Pacing ja sykeseuranta PEM-oireen hallinnassa ME/CFS- ja Long COVID -potilailla (Pacing and Heart Rate Monitoring in the Management of PEM in ME/CFS and Long COVID, Tuuli Latvala, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 10.35-10.45 Pause
    • 10.45-11.05 Historia, potilaiden asema, pacing käytännössä, Katja Brandt (History, the Status of Patients, Pacing – Practical Examples, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 11.05-11.35 ME/CFS ja Long COVID, kuntoutus, sidekudoksen poikkeavuus, Hanna Markkula (ME/CFS and Long COVID, Rehabilitation, Connective Tissue Abnormality, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 11.35-12.35 Lunch
    • 12.35-12.45 Sponsor presentations
    • 12.45-13.15 Trauma-informoitu kohtaaminen ammattilaisen ja potilaan näkökulmasta, Karita Palomäki (Trauma-informed Care From Professionals and Patients’ Perspective, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 13.15-13.45 Psykologi ME/CFS:n ja Long COVIDin hoidossa ja kuntoutuksessa, Meeri Keurulainen (Psychologist in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of ME/CFS and Long COVID, presentation is in Finnish)
    • 13.45-14.15 Respiratory Physiotherapy in Long COVID Rehabilitation, Ruth Ainley
    • 14.15-14.35 Coffee
    • 14.35-15.15 What the 2-day CPET informs us about PEM in ME/CFS and Long COVID, Betsy Keller
    • 15.15-16.15 Dysautonomia and MCAS in Long COVID and ME/CFS; Symptoms and Treatment, Theresa Dowell
    • 16.15-16.45 Caring For the Patient With Severe or Very Severe ME/CFS, Amy Mooney
    • 16.45-17.00 Questions, Closing Speech, Hanna Markkula and Jessica Harju

    more information here:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2022
    mango, ahimsa, Fizzlou and 7 others like this.
  2. Tom Kindlon

    Tom Kindlon Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  3. BrightCandle

    BrightCandle Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Really nothing of interest in that report IMO. Other than the one person claiming success with BPS rehabilitation despite the rest of the conference largely saying its about management. More "multidisciplinary" approach which is feeling more and more like a euphemism for Psychology and physiotherapy and nothing else. If something of use was said at the conference its not in the report, its a summary of what they talked about but with no enough about it to have any impression of the value of the work one way or the other.
    Sean, Peter Trewhitt and bobbler like this.
  4. Tom Kindlon

    Tom Kindlon Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Ola D. Saugstad, Norway, University of Oslo, Røysumtunet:

    "The NICE ME/CFS guideline is used in the planning and implementation of care"

    I have lost track of what this individual might believe. Is he referring to the 2007 or 2021 NICE guidelines? It just seems like there might be a possibility it is the 2007 guidelines given the other guidelines only came out around a year ago.
    Sean and Peter Trewhitt like this.

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