Unrest seems to be flying off the shelves. We ordered a copy on Sunday to send to a family member but it hadn't been despatched by 11 this morning. Mr B emailed and they said they had only just finished despatching their weekend orders. They were "overwhelmed by the response it's received". Well done @JenBrea
It shouldn't be flying off the shelves - that's just reckless and irresponsible. It should instead be resting, only leaving the shelf in a careful and measured manner when it feels up to it, proceeding slowly, in a carefully managed and controlled fashion to its destination, if it remembers it, and doesn't decide that somewhere much closer is nearly as good.
Who's to say it's not beautifully calm, serene, leisurely flight, on gossamer wings, just soaring on the up-currents using negligible energy, other than to just look in wonder at all the millions of others doing exactly the same ...
Je Banach is the author of the Vogue article about Unrest: https://twitter.com/user/status/955963129929850881
How about a few comments under newspaper articles about the oscar nominations to increase awareness of Unrest? i.e. to say it didn't make the nominations but still a good film worth seeing, and where. I've done the guardian.
Sounds like a great idea @Skycloud! People in the Facebook group "Time for Unrest" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1720957684875949/) had similar plans, e.g. to use the trending Oscar hashtags to raise awareness about Unrest on Twitter.
I say I've done the guardian but my comment is now badly buried and not very noticeable. There are now more articles too. Still, just one person noticing and following the recommendation up is worth it.