Lightning Process - discussion thread

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic theories and treatments discussions' started by Barry, Sep 19, 2018.

  1. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    great idea, Phil Parker's weird background would make for an interesting documentary
  2. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    how can anyone be so irresponsible and seemingly unaccountable - I’m guessing she just turns her eyes the other way at what she is causing/propping up or is brainwashed/deluded herself … so disturbing how bigotry can get disguised under people kidding themselves they are helping rather than bullying just by using those words and cliched polite ways of bullying that too many pretend are suddenly not bullying simply because someone phrased them manipulatively
    Ash, alktipping, MEMarge and 4 others like this.
  3. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    woth getting the Health and Safety Executive on these things too given how specific she is being and how this could be being used where a job or environment or in place of proper Occupational Health adjustments and other elements is unsafe and such ‘coaching’ might effectively intimidate or gaslight from such conversation about such factors taking place?

    Very worrying stuff
    Ash, alktipping, EzzieD and 4 others like this.
  4. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    Merged thread

    BBC article

    Long COVID patient claims Lightning Process helped

    This was on the BBC website, and includes the following:

    "Sue (patient's wife) also worked on pacing his energy levels, which led to some improvements alongside "an exceptionally good diet" with no ultra processed foods.

    But the real change came earlier this year, through a programme called the lightning process, which is not endorsed by the NHS but has been used to treat people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

    The privately funded programme focuses on interactions between the brain and the body.

    "The turnaround was really quite dramatic," Marcus says. "I was already on a good underlying healing curve, but this boosted it.

    "There isn't medical, scientific proof - it is just my personal experience - but I tried an awful lot of things that haven't worked. Now I feel physically much better.""
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2023
    Ash, bobbler, Peter Trewhitt and 7 others like this.
  5. Shadrach Loom

    Shadrach Loom Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I did rather like the picture of Kenneth Clarke pretending to be a zombie.
    Peter Trewhitt, EzzieD, Hutan and 3 others like this.
  6. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Already on their way to healing, does 'X' process & instead of realising that since they were already getting better, they would have gotten dramatically better regardless, they accredit it to 'X'.

    I dont know how you fight that :banghead:

    seems like everyone is prone to doing it, i know i would have before i learned better
    Ash, bobbler, Peter Trewhitt and 19 others like this.
  7. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Coincidence. Not cause or cure.

    But we all, at one time or another label something the cause, when in fact it isn't. And, so difficult to convince someone that what they believe is the cause, is not.
  8. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    exactly, it seems we humans are so prone to "after it therefore because of it" type attributions. I'm sure i've done it myself dozens of times. And likely will again
  9. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    In order to be accepted on an LP course you have to pass an interview. I'm sure part of that must be asking if your health is improving, so they can select people on the up anyway. Then of course a mix of brainwashing about what they are allowed to say to others about their health, with the threat that they won't get better unless they tell everyone LP has cured them, we can easily predict what they will say. I wish this person well, but they are being used here.
  10. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    The old LP application forms made it clear that what the LP trainers are looking for in clients is obedience. I don't think the LP trainers assess how likely a person is to recover (or improve) from ME (or whatever illness), they are not even equipped to do that effectively.

    The applicant has to agree to follow the trainer's instructions and not question or argue as a condition of doing Lightning Process training.. All questioning of any part of the Lightning Process and it's Training is labelled "Negativity". All questioning of the Process and realistic appraisal of the LP clients physical and mental state is likewise labelled "Negativity" that will interfere with the success of the LP training.

    Applicants who ask realistic questions about LP were told they are "Not Ready to do Lightning Process". Only unquestioning obedient clients were accepted.

    ME sufferers are not any more suggestible or gullible than anyone else. They are desperate for help. LP trainers exploit that desperation by telling the client that they must follow all the LP Trainers instructions without question. Only "Positivity" is allowed..... even to the point of denying pain and other ME symptoms, however sick the person is.

    I concluded years ago (after reading all the LP literature from a time when Phil Parker was not so careful in disguising his tactics, before he would even acknowledge that LP is NLP) ..... that Lightning Process is primarily an Obedience Training as part of a very crude coaching course.
  11. chillier

    chillier Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I dîd the lightning process about a decade ago and you have to read a book about it first and do an interview. I was just in a relapse so health definitely wasn't improving in that moment and I told them so - I was about 2 years into ME and was mostly moderate at the time. I don't think there was anything as direct as you suggest. Having to be able to read a book and commit to three days of being somewhere other than home is already going to filter out severe people, natural convalescence probably does a lot of heavy lifting, as well as just the encouraged exaggerating of any temporary improvement you happen to feel over the fluctuating time course of the illness.

    The book and the interview itself already sets you up for having to go into this weird 'acting' headspace where you pretend everything is sort of great and really try to believe it - I sincerely tried.

    I think my practitioner was sincere in believing they could help me and they were very enthusiastic. They had done the lightning process themselves and then became a practitioner.

    I remember one moment where they squeezed my shoulder in a weird way at a moment when I said I was feeling alright, then later squeezed it again and asked how I felt. I suppose the shoulder squeeze was supposed to be some NLP thing where I didn't notice what they were doing and then magically felt better. But I did notice and said I felt a bit better out of politeness.

    The entire thing was quite awkward to be honest, and despite my best efforts I did find myself getting pretty pissed off by the end. At the end they play a video of Phil Parker telling you how well you've done and I remember feeling deeply scammed.
  12. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks, @chillier, your experience sounds very like that of the Norwegians who shared their experiences except, sadly, most of them went on believing and pushing through until they were much sicker. I'm glad you realised it was a scam.
    Arvo, Ash, Peter Trewhitt and 10 others like this.
  13. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    eeww, that sounds creepy to me, i dont really want someone else to 'craft' my life for me thank you

    absolutely, and to convince the employer of such. This is whats so dreadful about it, that if 20 people in a big organisation do it & 2 get better, all the others will be blamed for not doing it properly or not wanting to be better etc and see as 'people who are costing this business money'

    They are true believers. People in cults dont realise they are recruiting people to be harmed they believe they are doing them a huge favour! She will see herself as saviour not irresponsible.
    alktipping, Arvo, Ash and 8 others like this.
  14. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    on Phil Parker FB
    Louie41, Ash, Hutan and 3 others like this.
  15. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    All it takes it seems :sick:
  16. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    He has a PhD? WTH? And it's not even a joke university, apparently. Or, I guess maybe it is.

    His thesis (,Phil_Thesis.pdf) appears to be on something like the LP, called The Rediscovery Process instead, for substance use disorder. And it is based on the LP, citing the Crawley study as evidence:
    So essentially, he has a PhD in his own commercial MLM product, of which he calls himself its "designer". From a reputable university.

    It's getting really harder and harder for me to take psychology seriously. As in I am to the point where I simply reject everything out of it, all studies seem to suffer from the same complete lack of rigor.
    Arvo, Sean, RedFox and 8 others like this.
  17. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    alktipping, Hutan, MEMarge and 3 others like this.
  18. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2024
    Hutan, alktipping, rvallee and 11 others like this.
  19. Lou B Lou

    Lou B Lou Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    2020 Interview about Lightning Process, with ME patient and advocate Joan McParland (Founder and former Chair of Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland). Joan spells out what exactly happens during Lightning Process trainings and exactly how Lightning damages ME patients physically and psychologically.

    'I have been conned - When sick patients are sold psychological snake oil"

  20. DigitalDrifter

    DigitalDrifter Senior Member (Voting Rights)


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