Modern environmental factors

Discussion in 'Possible causes and predisposing factor discussion' started by forestglip, May 15, 2024.

  1. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    One of the talks at IIMEC 2024 was from a clinician, Irina R. Rozenfeld, and was about how her clinic focuses on environmental toxins in relation to ME/CFS.

    Quoting an interesting case. Screenshots of the slides have a bit more detail:

    "This gentleman was our patient for many years with a history of myalgic encephalomyelitis and at one visit, he presented with severe cognitive decline. His neurologist put him on Alzheimer's medication.

    We did some evaluation and this gentleman practically retains everything that he possibly can retain. Arsenic was a thousand times more than he should have, and he also had mercury and he had water damaged building exposure - mold and micro toxin. We got very excited with his treatment and he responded to treatment very well.

    When he came with cognitive decline in Florida, he was 66 years old he was already taking his driver license off. He practically was given homebound assessment. He could not live without his wife.

    After treatment, he got his driver's license back. He started traveling, and he has fully recovered his cognitive function. And it affected his myalgic encephalomyelitis. He started traveling, he started being more active."

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