New #MEAction Board of Director Positions, November 2017

Discussion in 'Advocacy Action Alerts' started by Andy, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    From an #MEAction mailshot.

    As a startup non-profit organization using new tools and models to amplify the voice and power of disabled patients and their allies worldwide, #MEAction is:

    • Looking for a lawyer with non-profit experience to serve as Secretary & General Counsel to the Board and a Member of the Executive Committee. Prior board service. 10 hours a month. Familiarity with or interest in open source, crowd-powered, volunteer-driven, international organizations. Commitment to health equality and justice.

    • Looking for a financial executive to serve as Treasurer of the Board and a Member of the Executive Committee. Prior board service. 10 hours a month. Familiarity with or interest in open source, crowd-powered, volunteer-driven, international organizations. Commitment to health equality and justice.

    E-mail your interest and resume to
    Dolphin, barbc, Scarecrow and 3 others like this.

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