News from Scandinavia

Discussion in 'Regional news' started by Kalliope, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. Peter

    Peter Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This Bragee center or clinic seems like a major setback, yes. Thought Sweden was kind of improving and getting there, but..? This Stora Sköndal, just to actually have a special clinic at all, is something many other countries envy. Then you have the likes of Bergquist working around the clock, but still, last couple of years seems like a turn in the wrong direction. Guess that don’t differ a whole lot from the rest of the world?

    It seems that increased interest and attention, maybe increased funding?, more knowledge and awareness fuels the anti science and (dirty) tricks of the BPS’ers turbo style. That’s not really surprising, but it’s scary if they actually manage to slow down much needed progress even more. That is sort of the feeling last couple of years, but I suppose the good news is that it is just a feeling. At the positive side, the ones working rigorously, with curiosity, free of ideology and a real interest of finding out what the h... is going on, well they work in a much more calm and elegant way. That is always reassuring when the noise gets to loud. Science will produce data that certainly silence the noise and vulgar buzz of pseudoscience. But it sure takes time!

    I find the statements of Bragee about ME-patients (who’s is ME patients in his eyes?) unprofessional and quite disgusting. It says it all, the total lack of knowledge, the ignorance and attitudes. But it’s good to have it out in the open. ME-patients have every reason in the world to be depressed reading those statements and dealing with the likes of Bragee, but guess what, that is just the opposite of what the clinical picture and science is telling us. But I guess Bragee don’t care much for science.
    inox, ladycatlover, Annamaria and 6 others like this.
  2. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I stumbled upon the website CRISTIN - Current Research Information System In Norway.

    This is the list of the research projects that turns up when using the search word "CFS/ME".

    I've divided the projects into biomedical and psychosocial/biopsychosocial based on the short description of each project (and might have gotten some wrong). I have translated the titles into English (so the wording might be a bit clumsy).

    Some projects have status as finished, but I don't know if that means they've been published or will get published.

    • Cyclophosphamide with myalgic encephalopathy/chronic fatigue syndrome - Øystein Fluge - Haukeland University Hospital (active)
    • Fecal transplantation with CFS/ME - a randomised controlled study - Rasmus Goll - University Hospital of North Norway (active)
    • Postanaesthetic Outcome and Assessment of Fatigue - Johan Ræder - Telemark Hospital (finished)
    • Auto antibodies in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) - Tor Lea - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (finished)
    • Immunology and genetics in myalgic encephalopathy - Benedicte Alexandra Lie - Oslo University Hospital - (active)
    • Biomarkers, metabolite changes and mucous membran immune responses with post giardiasis irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome - Kurt Hanevik - Haukeland University Hospital - (active)

    • CFS/ME, immunological and psychiatric factors - Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan - National competence service for patients with complex ailments at St. Olavs Hospital (finished)
    • Follow-up of patients with ME/CFS - Elin Bolle Strand - Oslo University Hospital (active)
    • The signification of the training method lightening process for patients diagnosed with CFS/ME - Bodil Furnes - Stavanger University (finished)
    • How and what do patients with ME/CFS tell about their improvement experiences? - Karen Synne Groven - OsloMet (active)
    • CFS/ME in North - a pilot for a follow-up study - Kjersti Lillevoll - University of Tromsø (active)
    • A comparative study between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) and chronic, general pain (CWP) - Egil A. Fors - St. Olavs Hospital (finished)
    • Body awareness, pain, fatigue and mindfulness in children with and without CFS/ME - Silje Andresen Reme - Oslo University (active)
    • CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia, comparison of immunsystem and psychiatric conditions compared with health controls - Solveig Merete Klæbo Reitan - St. Olavs Hospital (finished)
    • Cortisol measurement and stress - validation of measure methods in a cohort of CFS/ME patients and healthy controls - Elin Bolle Strand - Oslo University Hospital (finished)
    • Illness/symptoms characterisations and psychosocial factors - description and comparison of CFS/ME patients and healthy controls - Elin Bolle Strand - Oslo University Hospital (active)
    • Project plan for systematic literature search with grading of primary studies about causes of chronic fatigue syndrome CFS/ME - Lillebeth Larun - The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (active)
    • Causation, Complexity and Evidence in Health Sciences - Rani Lill Anjum - Norwegian University of Life Sciences (finished)
    • Biopsychological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome - Vegard Bruun Wyller - Akershus University Hospital (finished)
    • Recovery processes in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome - Målfrid Råheim - University in Bergen (finished)

    Other/not sure of characterisation
    • Individuals and families suffering from CFS/ME. Population characteristics, use of service and needs - Thomas Halvorsen - SINTEF AS (active)
    • Policlinical rehabilitation in group with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) and changes in health, functional level, quality of life and mastering - Kristin Østlid - Sykehuset Innlandet - (finished)
    • Health and health related quality of life in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome - Torstein Baade Rø - St. Olavs Hospital and Oslo University Hospital - (finished)
    • Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy, a randomised and controlled study to measure effect of treatment - Anika Jordbru - Vestfold Hospital - (Active)
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2019
    inox, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 16 others like this.
  3. Marky

    Marky Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks Kalliope

    I wonder if they will find anything interesting from the giardia patients specific to ME, but my guess is its just a disease trigger like much else
    MEMarge, ladycatlover, JohnM and 5 others like this.
  4. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Are there available resources in Finland, a reliable patient organization perhaps, for yet another patient being held in a psychiatric unit against their will?

    Yet another example of the negative consequences of the psychosocial model, that any contact with medical professionals is a huge risk that can lead to being detained for being sick, under the guise of some imagined "exercise phobia".
    sebaaa, inox, MEMarge and 9 others like this.
  5. Anna H

    Anna H Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    You're quite right!
    He's not a man of science in any way, shape or form. It's all about fame, glory and being in the limelight for him.
    At his age (he's a bit over 70) one would have hoped retiring would be tempting, but no.

    Instead he decides to "summarize a life of hypotheses and intuition to a scientific work on backgrounds for diffuse conditions such as ME / CFS and chronic pain", and become a research undergraduate...
    (it's actually his own words, from his presentation on KI'website, which is thouroghly cringeworthy)
    inox, ladycatlover, Annamaria and 2 others like this.
  6. Anna H

    Anna H Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh, no!:cry::cry::cry:
  7. Anna H

    Anna H Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I sent a PM to Millions Missing Finland with the information you shared, asking about patient organisations in Finland and who one could contact.
    Hopefully they'll respond!
  8. Anna H

    Anna H Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I just got this response from Millions Missing Finland:

    "Hi Anna,

    So awful to read this, thank you for contacting us and looking help for her.

    There are two associations:


    Unfortunately we, Millions Missing Finland, don`t have the resources to help her dealing with the hospital and doctors. In case in need for publicity for this insane and inhumane case our social media channels are of course available.

    So so sad to hear, I truly hope she gets help.

    Best wishes,
    Helga / Millions Missing Finland"
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2019
  9. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Mette Schøyen has volunteered for the Norwegian ME Association for almost 20 years. She and two of her daughter have ME. She's a contact personer for patients and carers with severe ME and for children/adolescents and their families. In addition she's held numerous seminars and worked towards politicians and other decision makers in order to move the ME field forwards, among many other things.

    She is a wise woman, with a lot of experience and compassion and we are lucky to have her as an advocate.

    The Snapchat ME community "Bli_MEd" has done an interview with Mette Schøyen which is also available on YouTube where she talks about ME in general, her work, how she and her children have delt with living with ME, the situation for ME patients in Norway and much more.

    (Norwegian only)

    inox, MEMarge, Joh and 8 others like this.
  10. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  11. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    inox, MEMarge, ladycatlover and 8 others like this.
  12. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    inox, Anna H, rvallee and 2 others like this.
  13. Rick Sanchez

    Rick Sanchez Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Søren Brostrøm at it again.

    At the yearly conference for The Danish Association of Specialist doctors, the Director of The Danish Health Authority 'Søren Brostrøm' gave a speech.

    The article features some excerpts from his speech, and also features some quotes from the other speakers. Generally the focus is the democratization of medicine. Where the Danish Health Authority makes sure to lump in ME-activism with the anti-vaccine movement as much as possible. Apparently they hired a PR-firm to fight the Danish ME/CFS patients, and this seems to be what that kind of money gives you.

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2019
    Atle, Sly Saint, Annamaria and 9 others like this.
  14. Ravn

    Ravn Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Whaaat?! Is that confirmed?

    Hm, so Brostrøm thinks Danish politicians have reclassified ME from non-somatic to somatic. Can he really not see that it's him and his like who have done the reclassifying, and the other way round, from somatic to non-somatic (aka functional)? The politician haven't reclassified anything; they've just realigned Denmark with the WHO.

    As long as people like him are in powerful positions I fear Danish PwME have a long hard road ahead.
    inox, Anna H, Annamaria and 5 others like this.
  15. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @Jonathan Edwards you offered your help to a Danish patient organization. Can you say anything about the situation in Denmark yet?
  16. chrisb

    chrisb Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    From where did the funding come to hire a PR agency?. There seems to be a lot of money sloshing about.
  17. Rick Sanchez

    Rick Sanchez Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Can't remember where I read it, so given I don't have a source let's just called it rumor-based for now. They were completely open and transparent about it, if I remember correctly though.

    From the perspective of the Danish Health Authority and many Danish health care professionals (who are not siding with ME/CFS patients) it isn't controversial at all. From their perspective ME/CFS patients are spreading dangerous pseudoscience, which of course has to be challenged. Søren Brostrøm seems to think the National Health Authority lost the battle against the Danish patients due to optics, and not because the functional somatic syndrome approach doesn't actually have any scientific foundation or scientific application. From his perspective it wasn't so much Danish politicians siding with international scientists who disagree with the bio-psycho-social approach, as it was Danish politicians siding with crazy Danish patients to score cheap points.

    It's also very important to understand that most Danish people suffer from some sort of ''Danish exceptionalism'', we genuinely believe we are the best at everything. The idea that a bunch of Danish psychiatrists from Århus might just simply be terrible at their job and wrong is very hard to grasp for some reason. So as long as we don't have any Danish ME/CFS specialists, it's going to be a challenge convincing Brostrøm of anything.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    Cheshire, MEMarge, inox and 7 others like this.
  18. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm not sure if this is the same thing, or something else, but Per Fink recently said in an interview that he had hired help from a communication agency and that his staff has received media training. He had also hired a combined journalist and doctor to engage in dialogue with the most critical patients and patient organisations,. I'm not aware of the Danish Health Authority having hired any PR-firm for the ME-debate, though.
    inox, Anna H, Ravn and 7 others like this.
  19. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    #MEvårdsaknas is a new Swedish advocacy campaign demanding (better) medical care for people with ME. The igniting spark was the recent news that the plans to open a specialist clinic in the north of Sweden have been scrapped "because of the financial situation" (or, in other words, the politicians and bureaucrats chose to prioritise other things).

    There's a petition too:

    I support this campaign :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2019
    Joh, inox, Anna H and 13 others like this.
  20. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    inox, andypants, Anna H and 2 others like this.

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