News from Scandinavia

Discussion in 'Regional news' started by Kalliope, Nov 2, 2017.

  1. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Opinion piece by Sven Britton (member of the Swedish ME association RME's scientific advisory board) in the journal of the Swedish Medical Association:

    ME/CFS-patienter överges när Bragéekliniken läggs ned
    Ash, Anna H, RedFox and 5 others like this.
  2. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The Swedish Covid Association has published a map on their website, with information about all the post covid clinics in Sweden.

    "The Swedish Covid Association has carried out a survey of the post-covid clinics in Sweden. At the time of the data collection (January 2024), four of the country's 21 regions had some form of post-covid clinic."

    Karta över mottagningar

    Ash, Peter Trewhitt, Andy and 2 others like this.
  3. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The Swedish Covid Association has sent a letter to the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding the situation of post-infectious conditions in Sweden, with a number of very important questions. (ME and PEM is mentioned.)

    Våra frågor till regeringen

    Google Translate, English

    Andy, Midnattsol, Sean and 5 others like this.
  4. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    There was a terrible article about euthanasia and ME in Dagbladet the other day, with Vogt talking about it being grostesque and happening because people losing hope when recovery stories are not told (and then referring to the importance of Recovery Norway). Story ends with Fors from NTNU (involved with the lightning process study) talking about their research that (supposedly) show mild and moderate patients can recover with CBT. Both ignore that the patient case they discussed was (very) severe (Dutch) so even IF the studies they refer to actually showed recovery, it has nothing to do with a severe case.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2024
    Hutan, rainy, Sean and 7 others like this.
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    That's really sickening that they use other people's tragedy to advertise quackery. I hope they get lots of complaints.
    rainy, Sean, RedFox and 6 others like this.
  6. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree. Her life and suffering was not to be reduced to a rhetorical point for Vogt to use.

    The newspaper shared the article on Facebook. Critical and factual comments from ME sufferers have now been hidden by the newspaper so that the comments are not visible for others than facebook friends. It's so surreal..
    Hutan, rainy, Sean and 8 others like this.
  7. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Erased in life. And erased again in death. By the same people. Grotesque is the right word. There are others.

    I wonder what goes in the mind of the editors who hide the comments. This is such a sickening failure of journalism, it simply has no justification and probably runs afoul of journalistic regulations, but it's usually the case that when it comes to us, these things simply don't matter.

    There is probably some authority where a complain could be lodged and would be accepted, make them backtrack, but it would be too late at this point. The lie will have made several turns around the world by the time truth put a single foot on the ground.

    Truly sickening.
    Solstice, Sean, RedFox and 4 others like this.
  8. Solstice

    Solstice Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh the amounts of lives we could save if more people were willing to stand on a circle and yell NO! to their disease.
  9. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Swedish Radio: Studio Ett 19 februari

    On today's episode they are talking about, among many other things, ME patients being moved from specialist care to primary care.

    The episode is available to listen to on their website.
    Hutan, Anna H, Kalliope and 6 others like this.
  10. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    More on Swedish radio yesterday (2 minutes, in Swedish) :thumbsup:

    Specialistklinik stängde – patienter blir utan medicin
    ETA: She has been diagnosed with ME after covid-19.
    Hutan, SNT Gatchaman, Amw66 and 6 others like this.
  11. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @MittEremltage comments on this in her latest blog post. Well worth a read, as always :thumbsup:

    Sveriges Radio missar den avgörande frågan

    Google Translate, English
    Hutan, Anna H, Sean and 4 others like this.
  12. Kalliope

    Kalliope Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    LP coach Live Landmark had an opinion piece last week about a so-called ME epidemic in Norway and how Denmark and Sweden are much better at handling ME. Denmark with not using the diagnose, and Sweden by shutting down ME clinics. (google translated link here).

    Just a few years ago, this opinion piece would have been celebrated, liked and shared by many. This time it received little attention and mostly factual, critical comments on social media, so I didn't think it worth sharing here as it fell flat to the grown.

    However, three doctors are today coming to Landmark's rescue by confirming her argumentation; the paediatrician and researcher Maria Pedersen, leader of the national competence center for ME/CFS Ingrid Helland (colleagues of Wyller) and research director of the Norwegian Institute for Public Health, Signe Flottorp:

    Tar et oppgjør med ME-holdninger: - Noen blir provoserte når de hører de kan bli friske
    google translation: Dealing with ME attitudes: - Some people are provoked when they hear they can get well


    - Of the several hundred children and young people I have visited, there are only a few who have not improved in the time I have followed them. The vast majority have become significantly healthier and many have become completely healthy, says Helland.


    The two see a clear improvement in children and young people who receive organized activity. Preferably very low activity at the start, with a gradual increase over time.


    - We have regularly admitted children and young people with inflammation of the brain and spinal cord at Rikshospitalet. These patients need a completely different treatment than the CFS/ME patients. It can also be seen as frightening to receive a diagnosis that suggests that this is what you have, explains Pedersen-

    In Denmark, the new ICD-11 diagnosis "bodily distress syndrome" is frequently used, instead of CFS / ME.

    - The name itself can point to an illness that is caused by too much stress over a long period of time. This perhaps makes it easier for patients to understand treatment and measures that can help one recover. Then it's a very different message to get, says Pedersen.


    In 2023, 50 researchers and doctors from six different countries signed what is called the "Oslo Declaration".

    They were critical of the use of diagnoses such as ME, chronic covid, fatigue and burnout. The symptoms overlap, and you can recover from it , they thought.
    Hutan, Wyva, mango and 4 others like this.
  13. Solstice

    Solstice Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This is just pure evil, plain and simple.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2024
  14. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    Finding it ironic that the journalist behind an article in Khrono on people who go after research fraud today is the same guy that keep writing sympathetic articles about BPS researchers and anti-scientific pwME.
    Hutan, SNT Gatchaman, Wyva and 9 others like this.
  15. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Richard Horton, most famous for being the guy who published one of the worst cases of research fraud, has said that in his opinion half of all scientific papers are wrong. Not in his journal. Nope, not him, as editor-in-chief famous for one of the most harmful examples of that in history. Not despite being one of the guy most known for it, because for some reason his role in the entire affair is brushed over and all the blame is on the discredited researcher.

    Some people walk around with poop on their shoes and rant about how everything everywhere smells like shit.
    Hutan, SNT Gatchaman, EzzieD and 6 others like this.
  16. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hutan, RedFox, Lindberg and 3 others like this.
  17. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Who indeed?
    Hutan, RedFox and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  18. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    News segment on Swedish radio (1 min 40 secs):

    FHM-rapport tar inte upp hur barn påverkats av covid
    Hutan, Solstice, Kalliope and 5 others like this.
  19. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fairly long article on long covid today, in one of Sweden's largest newspapers.

    It's a sympathetic and very informative article, but ME is again not mentioned (annoying, especially since Petter Brodin used to do research on ME).

    Fyra år efter pandemins början: Inom ett år har vi läkemedel mot postcovid
    (Some of you might remember this interview with Brodin and Bruchfeld from 15 March 2023 where they expressed the same thing, they believe there will be a cure within a year/before the end of 2023.)
  20. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    @MittEremltage comments on her blog today:

    Ett svek skadar!
    Hutan, rvallee, MittEremltage and 6 others like this.

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