(Oxford,UK) Recruiting: A study looking into energy status & MRS in CFS

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Dolphin, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member


    The extraordinarily disproportionate suppression of and violence against ME/CFS and 'MUS' patients is difficult to explain by any motive that is both rational and humane.
  2. Stuart

    Stuart Established Member (Voting Rights)


    It seems way beyond incompetence or covering your ass from prior 'mistakes.'

    Thus it raises eyebrows at the very least.

    How was Anthony Fauci able to 'visit' a member of congress and shut down a congressional investigation? Why have others been 'warned off' from investigating? Why violate FOIA requests? Why classify ME documentation and extend its date far into the future? When finally pressure to release redacted records are to be complied with it was a facepalm moment to hear on the news that the Kew National Archives had an unexplained fire (two water towers catch fire? really?!?).

    The history of the CFSAC meetings alone would be a story of skullduggery, and it was created as a congressional requirement to make good on previous CDC skullduggery.

    You had to live through it, reading about how extreme, bizarre, and 'coincidental' events have been just seems to be beyond belief. That is just what they count on, which is why when someone like Tuller comes along with a voice capable of crying 'Shenanigans!' above the din, they must attack him.
  3. adambeyoncelowe

    adambeyoncelowe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Can anyone find this in any trial registries? I'm trying to find out what the hypothesis/proposal is?
    Invisible Woman likes this.

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