Post Covid-19 Syndrome naming

Discussion in 'Disease coding' started by Dx Revision Watch, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Well, I was correct in my projection that SNOMED CT (and/or WHO) might add "Long COVID-19" under Synonyms to formal nomenclature.

    The term "Long-haul" (which SNOMED International has added under Synonyms, as "Long-haul COVID-19") seems more frequently used in the U.S.

    SNOMED International Member countries (of which there are 39) were said to have been collaborating on the development of the terminology for SNOMED CT International.

    Edited on 02/12/20 to add:

    The November 02, 2020 interim release for the SNOMED CT UK Edition was released this morning (Release: United Kingdom Edition v20201125),999000691000001104

    It contains a UK specific term (designated as UK specific by the flag symbol) for

    1325161000000102 | Post-COVID-19 syndrome (disorder) |

    Post-COVID-19 syndrome

    its Parent Concepts are:

    Disease (disorder)
    >Chronic disease (disorder)
    Post-infectious disorder (disorder)
    >Post-viral disorder (disorder)

    Note: this formal Concept term for "Long Covid" differs from what is going to be used for the International Edition (which will implement in the January 2021 release).

    Also, the International Edition has two Synonyms terms, which the UK Edition does not have.

    The International Edition will have:

    1119303003 |Post-acute COVID-19 (disorder)|

    PT: Post-acute COVID-19
    SYN: Long COVID-19
    SYN: Long-haul COVID-19

    DEF: Symptoms attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection that persist for more than three weeks following onset.

    1119304009 |Chronic post-COVID-19 syndrome (disorder)|

    PT: Chronic post-COVID-19 syndrome
    DEF: Symptoms related to COVID-19 that persist more than 12 weeks following onset.


    Note also that the immediate Parents for the UK Edition's Concept term are:

    Post-infectious disorder (disorder)
    >Post-viral disorder (disorder)

    These are the same Parents as those for the SNOMED CT Concept term:

    Postviral fatigue syndrome.

    (Prior to July 2015, Postviral fatigue syndrome had been a Child Concept under Chronic fatigue syndrome and took the same Concept code as CFS and its various Synonyms terms.

    In July 2015, Postviral fatigue syndrome was relocated under the Parents:

    Post-infectious disorder (disorder)
    >Post-viral disorder (disorder)

    and allocated a new Concept code: SCTID: 51771007.

    So if you look up Parent: Post-viral disorder (disorder),999000691000001104

    under Children are listed 37 children, including:

    Postviral fatigue syndrome (disorder)

    and the new UK specific term:

    Post-COVID-19 syndrome (disorder)

    which is marked with the Union flag symbol.

    Although Concept term: Postviral fatigue syndrome was relocated under a new Parent, in July 2015, it remains cross mapped to G93.3 in the SNOMED CT to ICD-10 mapping tables.


    There has also been an urgent request submitted via the NHS Digital Submission Portal to SNOMED CT UK Edition for creation of a new Concept code for

    Post COVID-19 syndrome service

    which can be viewed here:


    [UK] PRSB: Professional Records Standards Body

    COVID-19: Guidance for information sharing between health and care professionals
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
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