South Australia - Survey: What Should Be Considered In The Design Of A Clinic To Treat Complex Health Conditions?

Discussion in 'Advocacy Projects and Campaigns' started by Sly Saint, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    What should be considered in the design of a clinic to treat complex health conditions?

    By Cathie Powell
    Copyright © 2018 Bridges & Pathways.

    We have an urgent request for you to respond to this State Health Survey about ‘the need for a one-stop clinic for people with chronic and complex conditions in South Australia’.

    This is a unique opportunity for you to have your say on matters that are important to you about the services you require to manage your chronic condition/s.

    While this is not the proposed ME/CFS clinic, it would be complementary and your responses will let the State Health Department know what all South Australians with complex chronic conditions need to manage their health."

    Below is the link to the on-line survey about the design of a clinic to treat complex health conditions on behalf of the SA State Health Department. We urgently request you complete it.

    Thank you in advance. If you need help please ask your carers to assist you.

    Regards Cathie and the SA ME/CFS Fibromyalgia Collaboration Clinic team.
    South Australian ME/CFS/FMS Clinical & Research Collaboration
    c/- Bridges & Pathways Institute Inc
    Office: 08 82704316 or Mobile: 0447 133 682 or AH: 08 8358 6086


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