Tonight on Dutch TV - ME / CFS documentary

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Mattie, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Lou Corsius

    Lou Corsius Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The Netherlands

    This is how it has been translated now: 'Well, what surprised me is that psychologists are punching above their weight, if I may say so.'
    MEMarge, Joh, Invisible Woman and 7 others like this.
  2. Barry

    Barry Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Only had time to read a bit of this so far, rest will have to be tomorrow. But it's brilliant Lou, you tell it like it is and get it across well. Interviewer seems to help with this process.
  3. Lou Corsius

    Lou Corsius Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The Netherlands
    My wife Iselle said that in the tv program. It was the physician at the rehabilitation centre who dared say that stupidity: You might as well go to the butcher. We are still so angry about that, even if it is about 13 years ago. This is what the psychological image of the illness leads to: a total denial of the severeness and the impact of ME on a patients live.
    Céline, now 27 years old, told us what it did to her and to her selfconfidence to be confronted with this kind of denial as a 14 year old child and during all these years after that.
    Hutan, Indigophoton, Grigor and 18 others like this.
  4. Solstice

    Solstice Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Maybe you are right. I saw some more reviews and a lot of people where a lot happier about it then I was. Maybe I was expecting too much based on the radio-interview which was very very good from all involved. Hopefully this Kortschot fella stays on top of things and does more pieces in the future.
  5. Luther Blissett

    Luther Blissett Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sorry to read it was not everything people hoped for.

    If, as Lou says, that is the first time that doubts have been shown to the public, I think that is a good sign (if not enough).

    The most powerful censorship in a democratic society is the censorship of omission. People cannot place value on and consider alternatives that they do not know exist. Hopefully it is the first crack letting light in. A certain number of people have now seen that the problem is considered a problem, and is 'allowed' to be debated.

    edited to add 'as' in second sentence.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
    Hutan, Indigophoton, MEMarge and 12 others like this.
  6. Amw66

    Amw66 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Small steps.
    When a paradigm is so ingrained it takes time to get traction.

    Bit like an iceberg, small cracks until you hit the critical mass moment and the whole thing collapses. ( Note this is a visual allegory i don' t know about iceberg science at all)

    Hopefully we are seeing a few cracks and the sheering off into the water will not be too long.

    Given unrest seems to have opened up an awareness, i think millions missing needs to be more coordinated and pull no punches going forward.
    Grigor, Indigophoton, MEMarge and 8 others like this.
  7. unicorn7

    unicorn7 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh no, I'm so sorry!:speechless: I though you and your wife said that about the doctor. I thought it was meant as:" getting a doctor to treat your ME? You might as well go to the butcher..."

    But the doctor said that to you?? :jawdrop: I can't imagine going through this at that age. I was the age Céline is now, when my illness started and I was actually working in the medical field and even then the denial was already horrible. Very brave that she was on TV with this and wanted to show what she is going through.

    It sounds horrible, but I think involving children in the narrative of the story really makes people wake up. I have a GP friend who I have told about all the problems (political, medical etc.) with ME. The only time when she looked extremely interested was when I was talking about children being forced to undergo treatment that makes them worse. That is one of the things that could potentially cause outrage in the public.

    Looking back, I have been to negative about the documentary. It was just that the radio interview was like a dream come true:angel: So, I was watching the documentary and waiting for Bleijenberg to be slapped with the truth, but that didn't come:laugh:
    For me, the difference between ME and CF (or burn out?) was pretty clear, but I was wondering if the public would get that.
  8. Mattie

    Mattie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    From family members that have seen it I have gathered that they did not get that. Even my father started asking me some wrong questions about "that woman who seemed to be cured" :banghead:
    MEMarge, Joh, Invisible Woman and 3 others like this.
  9. Lou Corsius

    Lou Corsius Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The Netherlands
    I know. I wasn't happy about that too
  10. Lou Corsius

    Lou Corsius Established Member (Voting Rights)

    The Netherlands
  11. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  12. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)



  13. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    To express the same sentiment, I often go with "they're writing checks that they can't cash." :)

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