UK: Capita seeks to reverse 'reputational damage' after death of (agoraphobia & fibro) claimant (from brain haemorrhage)

Discussion in ''Conditions related to ME/CFS' news and research' started by MeSci, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I don’t believe it’s her death from a brain haemorrhage they actually are being pursued for rather the way they mishandled her disability benefits claim.
  2. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    Have you read the article?

    For example:

    "The 33-year-old, from Market Drayton, in Shropshire, suffered from agoraphobia and fibromyalgia, which left her body in constant pain.

    The Capita employee found Ms Smith did not score a single point in the test - and the DWP stopped her benefit.

    In February 2019, her mother, Susan Kemlo, told BBC News the decision had "destroyed her".

    "When they took away her ability to look after herself, to have a way of life, she gave up," she said.

    Ms Smith died of a brain haemorrhage in July 2018 but doctors told the family her underlying conditions, particularly the fibromyalgia, had deteriorated as well.

    The week after her death, a social security tribunal decided she had been eligible for PIP."
  3. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    ladycatlover, Ebb Tide, MeSci and 8 others like this.

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