UK Government ME/CFS Delivery Plan (includes Attitudes and Education Working Group and Living with ME Working Group) and consultation

Discussion in 'News from organisations' started by Andy, Jun 21, 2022.

  1. Tilly

    Tilly Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    My first draft of the letter to all

    Excuse the round robin approach but as you can appreciate time is short and my caring responsibilities increase at this time of year.

    I have been an advocate for those with ME and PEM for the last 10 years. I was involved in the new NICE guidelines and the NHS development of the delivery plan. Sadly, those with severe ME and PEM lose their voice because they are unable to spend the energy needed to engage. They have; by and large been mistreated by those that should have understood and protected them, as you can read in the link below.

    Yesterday I received this in an email regarding the NHS interim delivery plan on ME/cfs

    I hope that SNEE, give the opportunity for those voices to be - not only heard but acted upon and it is up to us all to grab the courage needed to support those voices, uncomfortable truths need to be addressed.

    I will be writing to individuals in the new year. This, however, will be an open letter so that the community can comment on it and take steps as they are able or ask me to take steps on their behalf.

    The most important part is the sighted research and papers, explaining the horrors of this illness. Please take note that all services and the education of professionals need to understand this disease, should start from this baseline sighted papers then grow and be supported from those that have the lived experience. We need to build bridges and communication with reasonable adjustments to enable change.

    Funding for ME has, as I understand it been there, but has been filtered away from meeting the need for tests and treatment for those with ME and PEM. An unwillingness to use the correct survey questions such as do you have OI, POTS, Mast Cell or have you been denied these tests and the use of the SNOMED codes. These questions need to be in the open so that the forward plan meets the physical and safeguarding needs of these patients.

    There has been an unwillingness to support those doctors that understand the need to test for OI, POTS Mast cell hEDS, EDS all of which are known to be involved with the decline of those with severe ME. Without this data, it is very difficult to encourage the right biomedical research.

    The conflict of stakeholder’s needs being met against that of patients’ needs, must stop. We have seen for decades the suffering which is been in plain sight and listed in this release. It has been in coroners’ reports, NICE and so many other places. Decades go by, without the conflict brought in by talking therapies and exercise being the only and preferred option for stakeholders. This approach needs to be held to account, and bad science needs to be taken down for safeguarding health of this community.

    There needs to be clear acknowledgment of the harms as listed here, and the patient blame that has stopped the right approach to this community and the unspeakable behaviour towards them.
    Binkie4, Sean, Kitty and 3 others like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy -

    Hampshire, UK
    I don't know what the govt plans but some people do interpret ME/CFS to mean "ME and CFS", without realising that this suggest that they are separate things.

    To add to the potential confusion, the IOM also clearly says that "For the purposes of this report, the umbrella term “ME/CFS” is used to refer to both conditions [ME and CFS].", whereas ICC and CCC, in different ways, treat ME and CFS as the same thing.
    Ariel, MEMarge, Binkie4 and 6 others like this.
  3. Robert 1973

    Robert 1973 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think you need to be cautious about referring to hEDS, POTS and MCAS in this context. There has been much discussion about these diagnoses on here. @Jonathan Edwards and others are better qualified than me to comment on the details.
    Binkie4, Hutan, Sean and 3 others like this.
  4. Tilly

    Tilly Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    FOI is a good idea just to kick them into action but like you say it is the outcome that is important.

    What gives me hope and something to work on is the lived experience and how it is used, changing the narrative to meet an agenda is unacceptable but one we can show happens? This is heavy on information from NICE and we can show it is also taken from known documentaries. There has been none made on the experience of those who have gone through CBT and GET that is positive and they have listed Natalie Boulton dialog films so we have a lot to work with there?
  5. Tilly

    Tilly Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I understand but you must never dismiss the reality of most that live with the condition. Their truth is there it just needs to be seen. Family Courts are being tacked with this and along with Luke Clements, Fiona Gulen- Scott, Support not Separation and Parent Families Allies Network and others are that I am involved with say the same, that we must look and find the lived experience to enable understanding. We must start asking the right questions about data. If you don't look you don't find and then that leads to misinformation.
  6. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    The problem is, @Tilly, that there are no such data. I am not aware of any evidence for these conditions contributing to decline in ME/CFS. We need to remember that the doctors who talk about these categories have failed to solve the problem as much as anyone else. They have done no meaningful research. I see no reason to support this sort of speculation. And the more it is talked about the more that feeds the story of 'false illness beliefs'.

    Nobody is denying the need to focus on the reality of patients' symptoms, but these speculated diseases are not those realities. They do not provide any 'truths' for us. Management based on these speculations may also cause harm.
    Ariel, Hutan, obeat and 6 others like this.
  7. Adrian

    Adrian Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not clear what you are actually asking for in terms of actions in your letter. Its good to make simple requests for actions that could be achievable
    Ariel, Kiristar, Binkie4 and 5 others like this.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I agree, but it's exactly why self diagnoses like MCAS don't work. People need to give their own account of their symptoms and how they affect them, not present them in a box with a pre-printed label.

    Doctor can only learn to understand and diagnose illness by listening to people's real, lived experience of it.
    Hutan, obeat, EndME and 4 others like this.
  9. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    But that is how some of us got our diagnoses of these illnesses. We described our symptoms and lived experience to a specialist doctor and were diagnosed, usually after appropriate examinations and testing, with the appropriate condition. In some cases there were treatments. I have diagnoses of MCAS, OI and hEDS none of which I diagnosed myself. They were diagnosed by specialists in the condition.
  10. Binkie4

    Binkie4 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm sorry if my last post was a bit abrupt.
    It has been a tough couple of days for us all in the ME world so it's time to stop and try to rest.
    ukxmrv, Hutan, Sean and 6 others like this.
  11. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think the Delivery Plan excerpt above has earmarked that there is no strong evidence that anyone with ME / CFS will ever recover, and done this in with the Recommendations to make assisted dying available are required.

    This aligns with the Inquest finding which approacxhed saying that Miss Boothby O'Neil had a terminal case of M.E/CFS

    The medical profession has fought shy of clarifying anything. All associated allied orgs (statutory, commercial charitable, clinics, research units, rehab clinics and rehab research units, ethic commitees, their institutiuons, commissions an dfunding bodies, the trade journals includes cochrane), all failed to standardise anything or reach consensius but continue to churn out incoonsistent and clashing and ncomplete and innacutrate information

    Guidance can be used to prohibit many things opnre or close many gates, elsebut not to mandate anything. The Long Covid groups are falling into the same vortex

    The Delivery author does not jnderstand the matter being drafted. Does N.I.C.E provide a medical advisory service in such cases to interpret the Guideline eg on the question of prognosis for Delivery AND CONTINGENCY planning at individual,local, regional, national, pandemic aqnd other emergency levels

    - there being I suppose no strong evidence that people do or don't recover, such that a clear bias is shown by not saying so.

    Can N.I.C.E clarify that as far as is known M.E is not a terminal conditon in itselfef, though some people may have problems with some vital organs which can be treated but wth accomodations for the primary illness and disability, and on a case by case basis it may be agreed if someone ois nearing death, there may be dnr in situ, but it cannot be written into the generic ME ?CFS literture a= so sloppily as if it can apply inm any ora ll cases

    there is no road being mapped for peopl who do not recover. its plainlt not economical

    the gp college has produced a leaflet with nothing in it about community care or wheelchaors etcit purporst toput al lc cases

    I can see the creep has started in this excerpt. I do not want to be in a flaring resource-strapped pandemic as has been predicted and find myself written off as if M.E can be termimnal and therre is not striomg evidence thsatincan recover. I can make partial recovery.

    It is not sufficient to have such a crude u= medical inderstanding draftoing a delivery plan

    The only provision i see being budgeted for for long term conditions is talking therapy to reduce the waiting lists by discharging outpatients sooner

    Evidently a very large cohort of M.E / CFS / LC are still being excluded from the rehab clinic network that controls the M.E / CFS / LC budget and those included have indeterminate diagnoses but after short term rehab apoparently tmost of the LC cases will have recovered

    the Mea and since becoming frail himself, Dr shepherd alsohave agreed tht mostpeoplewith me /cfs can mobiliseif they want to to some indeterminate extent oif not exaggeratig the symptoms that kept them tool long abed

    There is no provision being planned for the severley ill. There is no HS budget and planm for it. Its all gone to rehab.

    The Royal College of GPss appears to appears to have runoured through their subcontracto Long Covid SOS that the severe and/or longer term LC patients will may be reclassified as M.E

    Any questions to be answered by a team of SOS leaflet colunteers in collaboration with the clinical post covid society

    THis makes no sense. Where are the contractedfunded profesisonals engaging with the wider community oin the draftint of the severe LC = ME/ CFS = PEM gp leaflet and where are the secoinbdary level consultants N.I.C.E reuqired to advise promary care on NG 206

    none of this is acceptable.There has to be a universal language thats inclusive and can be agreed upon and standardised

    There must be a didtinct segregation and naming of differentiated cohorts.

    on the whole there is nothing terminal about the illness as far as is known

    i want this spelt by the Cabinet and prime Minister to the authors of the Planin default of the health sutorities spoosed to be advising. What a croc

    please please please correct me where andif i am wrong
  12. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Amw66 and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  13. bicentennial

    bicentennial Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Think...thunk: assisted dying is what was already happening for everyone who died in a care home, nursing home, hospital, sheltered housing, hospice or anywhere else with more or less decent people around, because people were assisted upon their deathbed. That is the true meaning of assisted dying. Someone helps to keep yuu alive and as comfy, clean, fed and watered as is possible. That is the assistance that attends an attended dying.

    The new law is a euthanasia law it is not an assisted dying law, but we have had doubslespeak at least since Mr. George Orwell made his own contemproary obseration

    It is derived from the medical definition(s) of euthanasia (except the versions where its to end suffering).

    It is "strictly" limited to end-of-life eligibility
    EXCEPT the crackpots (hidden in the Govt & Oppositions & Civil Service cohorts) leaked the creep into our Delivery Plan, attributing this creep to us, so we can foresee the intention before it emerges elsewhere, to include cases of "no recovery" for which they will have to add an "if suffering " eligibility

    In fact there may be some creeper(s) amongst us who put it into their own consultation reply requiring euthanasia options for all people with M.E so as to sneak it in for themsleves as if popular. Or else its just a Government proposal

    The UK is patient and has not passed the euthanasia law - it is still drafting it with patient participation at the euthanasia plan portal which was intentionally expanded to now include the M.E Delivery Plan Portal (Plan Portal as as there is no delivery to speak of yet so there is no Delivery Portal).

    So our mouthpiece the MEA Trustees will be quoted at both portals as speaking for all of us. On how us animals must move or else and anyone who disagrees is a keyoard warrior with satanic influence to be exorcised out the window and excommunicated

    . And here we are at the very portal

    all the evidence of any quality shows that S4ME IS IS IS our only portal for inclusive equable diverse opportune participation in the experimental research being conducted by the UK into several overlapping deliveries)

    And we know this because we have no other portal in the UK. It is a diagnosed portal diagnosed by exclusion.

    so at this portal it behoves us to categorically define and list our own sub-cohorts, and as a courtesy start with our Government's only current priority in practice (also because we do need to keep up with current practice):

    1: ready or not ready to return to
    - health and work
    - health and work with adjustments because health is still dicky
    - health exempt from work
    - some increased activity
    - none of the above and not ready for anything either

    2. Suspected or diagnoised (crucial phrase filched from NG206)
    - ME / CFS with no LC symptoms starting since Covid (do not include intermittent relief)
    - ME / CFS with LC symptoms starting since Covid (include if intermittent)
    - ME / CFS with no LC symptoms ever (that were not already ME / CFS symptoms)
    - LC with ME / CFS symptoms starting since or with LC
    - LC with no ME / CFS symptoms
    ..........that are not already listed in LC diagnosis criteria as overlapped

    1a and 2a sub-sub cohorts of no known abode or listed on other diagnostic criteria
    - diarrhea with or without systemic impacts
    - swallowing
    - malnutriton
    - urinary
    - balance and vestibular leaning forward etc
    - bendy joints
    - reactions to triggers
    - breathing oddities
    - heart oddities
    - blue or purple legs
    - frailyty of old age
    - gravitational intolerances

    edit to add links to see @Yann04 and @Dx Revision Watch maybe

    Also we speak for all other cohorts said to have no chance of recovery (Return to Health and Work) and - in that sense only - a lifelong illness is terminal and can be terminated, with compunction of curse, sorry of course, in due course

    Once it is agreed that i can partially recover and still retain all exemptions, then i can be pput back in the delivery plan and so provided for, on paper, again

    That said for starters.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2024
    Peter Trewhitt and Amw66 like this.
  14. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    MEMarge, Peter Trewhitt and Maat like this.
  15. Maat

    Maat Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    England, UK
    Section 5.10 Agreed Actions of the Interim Delivery Plan under sub-heading attitudes and education stated this:

    From the results of the consultation on Attitudes and Education section, sub-heading Education and training:
    This is an example which was posted on another thread which is/has already happened:

    In the response from the Medical Schools Council dated 26 November 2024 to the Coroner area of the County of Devon, Plymouth and Torbay the Director in connection with the Regulation 28 PFD report - Maeve Boothby O'Neill, they stated:

    Edited to tidy up typos and to point out that the illness being discussed is ME/CFS.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025
    tornandfrayed and bobbler like this.
  16. Nightsong

    Nightsong Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Copied post
    Two articles in the Times:

    "Plan to help ME sufferers has been delayed for too long" (written by Helen Morgan, Lib Dem MP for North Shropshire):

    Link | Archive link

    and "Plan to help ME sufferers will not include extra funding":

    Link | Archive link
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2025
    Kalliope, Trish, Fainbrog and 2 others like this.
  17. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Moved post
    I’ve seen a quote from Sonya Choudhry on socials saying we need funding alongside the plan.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2025
  18. MrMagoo

    MrMagoo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  19. Nightsong

    Nightsong Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sonya Choudhury is quoted in a recent Bluesky post as saying that "We were disappointed to hear that the Department for Health and Social Care has ruled out allocating any funding alongside the final delivery plan. The delivery plan is an important step forwards for the ME community but without additional funding for much-needed and overdue research, its impact will be limited."

    Both articles also made it into the print edition of the Times:

    times_feb25_01.jpg times_feb25_02.jpg

    Also, underneath the Times article by Eleanor Hayward there is a form where they are asking for people to share their experiences of ME. I don't know anything about this but here is a share link to the article:
    Ariel, MEMarge, Amw66 and 9 others like this.
  20. Tilly

    Tilly Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have always disagreed with this approach because of what I have witnessed and what I have lived through. We should have been looking for the main patterns before research, not the other way around. I have written about these connections to family Courts, protecting innocent mothers and their children. Collagen damage, POTS and Mast Cell is a huge problem and needs to be seen! Due to the recent research, explained in this yourtube video The Power Crisis Behind Long Covid & ME/CFS | Latest Mitochondrial Research Explained (there maybe a link on here but is relevant here) I hope we start to really listen to young people and their parents the lived experence should always be understood and not dismissed. 25393-4bc37c76aeae1abc76f6f75b3597ded4.png
    Amw66, bobbler, SNT Gatchaman and 3 others like this.

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