Event info updated Patients on Q&A are both psychology students at Bath Annabelle Fitch doing an MSc Jack Waterhouse doing a PhD
Sounds like it should go up here at some point: https://www.royalfree.nhs.uk/about-us/become-a-trust-member/medicine-for-members/
Maybe they're in the midst of picking apart Crawley's quackery... seems unlikely Action for ME would let them speak then though.
Picked up from FB The event is being recorded as the screening room is too small and they have arranged to have it live streamed to a second room. I guess anyone who is going would need to get there early in case it is first come first served for getting in to the main screening room. Anyone who wants to see it can contact the organisers through eventbrite. They haven't yet sorted out how they are making it more widely available.
Unrest film is collaborating with the CDC to offer a free showing of the film in Atlanta, Georgia. And this will count as continuing education for medical professionals. This seems like a big deal, I think? Tweet from @unrestfilm: Code: https://twitter.com/unrestfilm/status/930197780269645824 https://twitter.com/user/status/930197780269645824 Link to the CDC website with more information: https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/healthcare-providers/hidden-crisis.html [ PS. There's a lot of cut/paste in this post so please let me know if I got something wrong! Especially since I'm going to add this event to the calendar. Thanks ]
zero response the recording of the Royal free one on 7 Nov isn't up yet either. It doesn't take long at all to put something online don't understand the delay from Royal Free NHS site......
This year has gone so quickly for me. We're already in November?! I wasn't expecting the AfME AGM for ages. Oh - seems there's a video here:
So, does anyone on this forum live near Atlanta? Just curious. My father lives in the Atlanta area but I know he wouldn't want to go to this. I do hope he will watch Unrest when it comes on PBS (Independent Lens) in January but even that's not a sure thing.
The link for that is http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/films/unrest/ There is some good feedback there. It's on January 8, 2018. I've seen it now at someone's house. It's definitely worth it!
Interesting Q&A - Jen always gives good value and here she mentioned some things that chimed with me that I don't remember her saying before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTg4JAV3B1o
Interesting Q&A - Jen always gives good value and here she mentioned some things that chimed with me that I don't remember her saying before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTg4JAV3B1o
Recording of the q&a Pretty lightweight session Jo Daniels talks the usual BPS crap she seems pretty dim Sonya comes out of it better makes JD look like a drongo without saying directly you're talking shit Jo. But then she goes on about donations to AFME..........Although the host brings it back to #MEAction and Unrest
Thanks for the link. I wanted to watch it, I started to watch it... I stopped watching it. Too slow. Needed some more pointed questions! Hearing Sonya talk about Action for ME really makes me feel sad that well meaning people donate money to them.
About the first published article: (http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a12779054/what-is-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/) https://twitter.com/user/status/943860804327223296
Although I would have liked to see him actually try to put his views forward in public with people there who would challenge him.
On reading this thread (currently with posts only up to Nov 2018 - we might merge some related threads into it) I see that there is no negative commentary about the film, which I don't think accurately conveys the range of reactions. I think there has been some discussion on other threads. Here's a post I made in Phoenix Rising in August 2017, before this forum started. When writing that post, I actually toned down my criticism because others had been so positive. Other critical reviews followed. In that same Phoenix Rising thread, I note that Jen Brea had been interviewed on my country's national radio, and that she had been a fantastic advocate - so I did and do recognise that good things came from the film. The marketing around the film and the international advocacy efforts it prompted was very impressive. I think, with more distance from the time of the enormous buzz about Unrest, more people came to have some reservations about the film. I guess I'd just ask advocates thinking of directing people who know little about ME/CFS to this film to watch it again first. https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/unrest-updates.49859/post-885756