What are the best coronavirus masks?

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Sasha, Oct 1, 2021.

  1. Dx Revision Watch

    Dx Revision Watch Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    We use 3M FFP3 with the double head straps (the straps are a pinky red colour). If you have long hair and prefer to wear it down, the double straps don't work too well with that, so I always wear my hair in a pony tail when I'm going to be wearing a mask. We find them comfortable and can get a good fit but I've never had to wear one for more than a few hours.

    Between the three of us, in the past four years, none of us has knowingly had Covid.
    Ash, Midnattsol, Sean and 4 others like this.
  2. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    I'm still happy with my Flo mask and usually wear it if I go out, but am now testing an Airinum mask (with the "opti" filters which are FFP2 equivalent).

    We bought the Airinum since my boyfriend has a large face and we have struggled to find something with a good fit (he usually wears an FFP2 from the hardware store, a generic mask with a generous size).

    What I like about the Airinum is that it covers a lot of my face which has been very nice in the cold winter air! With the Flo mask I need a buff or scarf in addition to the mask if I'm outdoors (I also use a mask outdoors in winter due to cold and dry air, when in traffic due to pollution, and currently as pregnant it is especially great to reduce a stuffy nose!). It is harder to breathe through than the Flo mask, but the elastic material gives it a good fit and the nose bridge is one of the best we've tried.
  3. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think the shape & style of mask is greatly dependant on the shape & size of one's face. I have a very wide head and a circular face - to the point i have to wear mens spectacle frames and even the largest ones the arms look stretched.

    I wear the biz tec FFP3 (UK equivalent of an N99) overhead with valve if i going anywhere i will be keeping it on a while & dont need to take on/off at all. Its uber comfortable & protects no one else because it has a valve (but given i rarely see anyone or leave the house i the least likely to have it in most places, & since nobody else seems to give a toss about protecting themselves or anyone else, i not too worried - obv that would change if i had symptoms!)

    If i need the easy access of ear loops i use the covaflu FFP2 (uk equivalent of N95)

    Both these masks fit me like a glove but are loose on many wearers who have smaller overall, or simply more narrow faces. For example the 3M Aura ones are so tight on me that they dig into my face - look like i wearing a childs mask lol! But were brilliant for my carer
    Ash, Midnattsol, Sean and 2 others like this.
  4. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    I have a larger face and that results in a pretty good fit for ffp2 even with ear loops (which I prefer)
  5. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    interesting Nellie, if you dont mind my asking... what brand do you use?
  6. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    I agree. I meant for sustained comfort on the face, as the headbands pull the masks onto the face more strongly (hence gives a better seal) than the ear loops.

    Also, partly due to design differences and partly to individual variation in face shape, some masks are more comfortable than others for any given person, even with headbands. So trying different models and brands is worth it.
    Ash, ahimsa, JemPD and 2 others like this.
  7. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Sorry I forgot to look at the pack when upstairs I will try to remember to check this evening.
    Ash, Starlight and JemPD like this.

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