Why is The Guardian's coverage on ME/CFS so poor?

Discussion in 'General Advocacy Discussions' started by Hoopoe, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. Michelle

    Michelle Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    In addition to comments upthread about the SMC, "people who like to imagine they're part of some sophisticated intellectual elite, but want simple narratives can't be bothered to really look into the evidence," (seriously, @Esther12, this 100%!) and it being a small "c" conservative paper of the Establishment, professional-managerial class (and always has been rather than being a "leftist" paper), there's a comment my partner shared with me from the Grauniad's comments section on another piece stating that it's basically got a business model that depends on the use of freelancers and interns to write click-bait articles in order hoover up personal data. The latest piece being there to snare enraged ME patients and smug pseudo-intellectual professionals.
    Sean, Snowdrop and rvallee like this.
  2. ScottTriGuy

    ScottTriGuy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had to google 'action t4'...from wiki...

    Aktion T4 (German, pronounced [akˈtsi̯oːn teː fiːɐ]) was a postwar name for mass murder through involuntary euthanasia in Nazi Germany.

    Yep, sure seems like the same modus operandi.


    Heck, I may have been ignorant of 'action T4', but even my first thought about the 'article' was that it was blatant propaganda. The other term that came to mind was 'product placement'.


    For your ease of reference...

    elephant wastebasket.jpg


    What org is currently leading the way on #s 1 to 7?
    Samuel likes this.

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