Worldwide Action: Sign #MEAction’s Letter to Francis Collins by May 16th

Discussion in 'Advocacy Action Alerts' started by Andy, May 11, 2018.

  1. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used the most advanced tools I could find... a 12 page print out and a fluorescent pink hi-lighter. :)

    It took a while, but all I did was hi-light all the names that could possibly be male, because they would most likely be far fewer in number than the female group. I then counted the unisex names within the "male" group. Already knowing the total number of people, I could then find the sizes of all three groups. The hardest part was looking up the gender of names I was unfamiliar with.

    Fortunately, for whatever reason, ME has never effected my concentration much. Memory yes. Concentration/math/logic no.
  2. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Very nice

    You are very fortunate. My concentration is complicated, my short term memory is not good but not stroke level bad, medium term messed up, long term okay. Math shot to hell, logic somewhat screwed up, but ability to plan, counting, staying on top of anything, managing a dynamic situation, all very bad :cry:
  3. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm very sorry to hear that @Alvin. I just passed my 35th anniversary of onset. It was at its worst in the first decade but it has gradually improved since then. Your illness may go back even farther than that, but I know that I have never seen a period of greater hope than right now. It may sound trite, but hang in there. Change is coming. :hug:
    Binkie4, alktipping, TiredSam and 5 others like this.
  4. Alvin

    Alvin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm also into my third decade though my onset was not abrupt. Though mine progressed differently, i was mild for many years and slowly went to moderate and slowly gotten worse. I've never had any improvement, but i wish i had known what i had decades ago, i may have been able to slow its progression :cry:

    Indeed, i do hope we get real research money and hit a breakthrough soon.
  5. TiredSam

    TiredSam Committee Member

    Me too. When I'm not fit for anything else, I can lie on my sofa doing chess puzzles on my smartphone for hours. Haven't got a clue about the name of that guy on the telly I watch every week though, or what I did last weekend, or why I just thought about standing up.

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