Moved from the Long covid in the media thread. For the full title and abstract of the published paper see post #9. Potential New Treatment for...
Every time the disability of ME/CFS is portrayed as people who were once physically active in life (often athletes) who can no longer reach the...
I thought I'd post this (rather long) article from The Guardian, about a new book by Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee. It discusses depression and the...
Covid and Brain Fog Covid makes some people feel like they are in a mental fog. When sick, people frequently report this cognitive symptom. They...
People with fibromyalgia or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) experience a specific kind of cognitive dysfunction called...
Background The physiology underlying "brain fog" in the absence of orthostatic stress in postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) remains poorly...
Diary of a busy practitioner, juggling work and family somewhere in England Everyone I speak to at the moment seems to be suffering from brain...
Abstract Objective: The investigators aimed to describe the clinical experience of a single center reporting on neuropsychiatric findings among...
Cognitive symptoms are usually categorized as psychological or psychiatric or if the cause is clearly neurological, as neuropsychiatric. For...
Abstract Objective: To explore the lived experience of ‘brain fog’—the wide variety of neurocognitive symptoms that can follow COVID-19. Design...
Mild respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause multi-lineage cellular dysregulation and myelin loss in the brain Preprint Abstract Survivors of...
Brain fog, and now post exertional malaise, terms that were until fairly recently only used to describe ME/CFS symptoms have been hijacked and...
Interesting blog on brain fog It doesn't mention ME, but we follow each other on Twitter and he included ME in his research....
Many COVID-19 survivors of all ages experience alarming neurological and physical signs and symptoms post-infection. Dementia-like symptoms,...
Abstract COVID‐19 leads to severe respiratory problems, but also to long‐COVID syndrome associated primarily with cognitive dysfunction and... Not a helpful article, meditation yada yada yada.
Objective Most SARS‐CoV‐2‐infected individuals never require hospitalization. However, some develop prolonged symptoms. We sought to characterize...
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess differences in the physiological profiles of completers vs. non-completers following a...
'Brain fog': the people struggling to think clearly months after Covid...
" The impact of food on cognition: Potential implications for brain fog in ME 24 June 2020 This study is looking to recruit both healthy...
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