Some revelations about shenanigans at NICE - the IAPT team is in charge of the NICE guidelines for ME/CFS - as flagged up by Hope 4 Fibro & ME...
(Not sure exactly what these are, but results are due I think?) PRINCE Primary: Integrated GP Care for Persistent Physical Symptoms - a...
Abstract Background Health guidelines are developed to improve patient care by ensuring the most recent and ‘best available evidence’ is used to...
Director of Danish Health Authority Søren Brostrøm Letter to the Editor Journal of Psychosomatic Research Topic is regarding the Danish approach...
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is rewriting the UK ME guidelines. As part of this process, the Forward ME Group...
An old study but, as shown in this thread,, one of the most...
The Qure study compares the efficacy of treatment with Doxycycline versus placebo and placebo versus Cognitive Behaviour Therapy using...
So there's some news from Belgium. The government has extended its ME/CFS-convention until 2020. In parliament our Minister of Health said the...
Here's a weird one: A 4-day mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural intervention program for CFS/ME. An open study, with one-year follow-up....
Free full text: Reporting of Harms Associated with Graded Exercise...
yet another psychotherapy: "A large proportion of the identified studies treated patients suffering from anxiety and depression (see Table 1)....
Another 'who said' post! I've got Vink's paper (2016). Even the PACE authors themselves say there was no difference between groups in lost...
A blog about personal experience of PACE recommended 'treatments' published earlier this year. The PACE trial - a complaint. This is a tough...
[ATTACH] Thursday, April 25th, 2019 18:00 - 18:45 Childhood maltreatment and treatment resistance in adult psychiatric disorders Carmine...
Cognitive behaviour therapy for distress in people with inflammatory bowel disease: A benchmarking study First published: 11 September 2018...
Seems like MS still has friends in the UK at Oxford University: [MEDIA] An ode to Michael's tremendous work (wondering who wrote this, I nearly...
@Cheshire first posted about this here, but I thought it was important enough to warrant its own thread. This statement sets out our position on...
[MEDIA] Would someone who's on twitter please make this dutch journalist aware of... - the S4ME PACE briefing paper:...
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