Is fatigue a disease-specific or generic symptom in chronic medical conditions? Journal...
“Most important, there is no consistent evidence that CBT is more efficacious than other evidence-based approaches,” they write. “These findings...
A new blog post by @Lucibee, In my first blog about the PACE trial, I discussed the lack of objective measures, and the bothersome issue of not...
23-second clip of a segment of Michael Sharpe's appearance on Victoria Derbyshire Talking therapies and exercise for #ME are "not magic cures but...
[MEDIA] $75,436 and even higher since this Tweet. I had a feeling someone was going to come in towards the end and take care of this. :thumbsup:
Scientists and Dr Tuller brief Australia’s Chief Medical Officer
Background and study aims Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition mainly associated with extreme tiredness that can cause significant levels...
Free full text: Some of these researchers are active in the CFS field Journal of...
Social Justice interview with David Tuller on his ongoing Trial by Error series. Hour long. 2pm Sun 15 Apr 2018...
Note: this is from 2016. It's new to me but may be familiar to others. Summary The recent National Institute for Health and Care Excellence...
One of my personal advocacy projects for the past 16 months has been to try to have Healthwise remove the GET and CBT modules from their ME/CFS...
A short article in Psychology Magazine, the Journal of the Norwegian Psychology Association, on the 'psychology of PEM'. It's the argument that... Wherein The...
Summarised by Keith Laws, Prof of Cognitive Neuropsychology, as showing that, [MEDIA] Abstract: Background Little evidence is available for...
Free full text: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The science media centre has played an important role in stigmatising CFS patients, and anyone critical of PACE and related work, so it's always...
From twitter [MEDIA] Hit see thread
Citation Picariello F, Moss-Morris R, Macdougall IC, et al Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for renal fatigue (BReF): a feasibility...
Behav Sci (Basel). 2017 Aug 11;7(3). pii: E52. doi: 10.3390/bs7030052. FITNET's Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Is Ineffective and...
raised on another thread by @MEMarge. The CQC only deals with services in England but from briefly looking at their website the only ME/CFS...
Separate names with a comma.