This post and some of the following posts have been moved from this thread: NICE delay publication till 9 dec 2020. Draft guideline consultation...
From their May Momentum 2020 newsletter & We are announcing THREE major research projects throughout May! [...]...
May be of use to people living with allergies, eczema & asthma Allergy UK has put together a list of FAQs on Coronavirus for people living with...
While the coronavirus pandemic has led to unprecedented restrictions for billions of people, for many with disabilities, the lockdown has...
It would be great if this crisis killed off behavioural sciences. Asking people to change behaviour doesn't work. Wessely and Gerada media...
Split from the Coronavirus Worldwide Spread and Control thread From the COVID-19 symptom tracker app: [ATTACH] It shows the prominence of loss...
Note from Moderators: IiME created the EMEA, and also the EMECC (Clinicians Council) and the EMERG (Research Group). The EMEA is a member of EFNA...
How is COVID-19 affecting you? Exploring the emotional and physical impact of COVID-19 on adults living in the United Kingdom. The COVID-19 Stress...
Stanford have a study to look at the effect of care giving during COVID-19 pandemic. It doesn't have to be of someone with COVID-19. This is a...
A worrying approach being actively anticipated and encouraged: [MEDIA]
So, we keep being advised to wash our hands frequently with "soap", but what exactly is considered "soap" when it comes to being able to kill...
It looks like we may need to be even more careful. This may help clarify why there are so many unexplained cases of transmission. Six-foot rule...
A woman with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) has opened up about her struggle with the condition and her fears during the coronavirus pandemic....
From Article: How sick will the coronavirus make you? The answer may be in your genes By Jocelyn KaiserMar. 27, 2020 , 3:25 PM COVID-19, caused...
For anyone interested this starts at about 2 and 1/2 hours from now (at the time I posted) "On Friday, March 27, 12:30–1:15 pm ET, join experts...
Re Ian Lipkin The infectious disease expert who served as an adviser on the 2011 movie “Contagion” has contracted the coronavirus, and now he’s...
I thought it might be useful to get an overview of the most important sources on the COVID-19 outbreak. If you have suggestions feel free to post...
Listen to this A&E doctor on the threat posed by Covid-19 (WARNING: It's very long, but the most important bit is early on) And please get the...
Having just been caught out by a myth, here's a helpful CNN video and article: One dangerous coronavirus 'self-check test' is circulating on... International Survey on Coronavirus An international team of researchers from ten different institutions, including...
Separate names with a comma.