Defining the minimally clinically important difference of the SF-36 physical function subscale for paediatric CFS/ME: triangulation using three...
So what's happening with the MAGENTA trial? I’ll be in Bristol later this week for the CFS/ME Research Collaborative’s annual conference. I was...
Free full text: Original article Using the internet to cope with chronic fatigue...
" Applications for all levels of Round 11 of the Fellowships Programme have now closed. Five levels of NIHR Fellowship awards were available:...
Trial By Error: The Contentless “Editor’s Note” About the Lightning Process Trial...
Earlier today, I e-mailed the following letter to the members of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, which has been...
Archive of Diseases in Childhood: Editor's Note on Lightning Process trial: 'Clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Lightning Process in addition...
Trial by Error: Waiting for Godlee This morning I sent another letter to Fiona Godlee, editor-in-chief at The BMJ and editorial director at BMJ....
My Letter to Fiona Godlee Earlier today, I e-mailed the following letter to Fiona Godlee, the editor-in-chief at The BMJ and editorial director... " Study design This study started in September 2015 and recruitment is expected to finish in August...
I recently wrote to Oxford University neuropsychologist Dorothy Bishop, who had provided a statement to the Science Media Centre about the...
Exploring more ways to take advantage of children. Abstract Objectives We explored children’s views on research without prior consent (RWPC) and...
BMJ Still "Looking Into Lightning Process Paper" Tuller has received via CC an e-mail from dr. Brown, editor of Archives of Disease in Childhood,...
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is characterised by persistent fatigue, which has a significant impact on...
Not a joke... :( What a bitter hijack... [MEDIA] Direct link: Just a...
The obvious example is the Lightning Process......but I've been coming across a number of others who are citing Crawleys research to promote their...
I thought I might have seen this posted somewhere but can't find it. It says 2018 but from the link it might be from 2016.: " Alison Millington...
New Crawley publication in the journal Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics....
Discussion about the BACME conference prior to it starting is on this thread....
This thread focuses on the news about Esther Crawley in David Tuller's recent blog. It has been split from this thread which focuses on the...
Separate names with a comma.